Internet Business Startup Kit AdvancedsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #marketing3 years ago

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that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet.
While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the
Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of
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In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income
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You are encouraged to print this book for easy reading.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to Affiliate Marketing
1.1 The Background of Affiliate Marketing
1.2 Why Affiliate Marketing is a Lucrative Business
1.3 First Thing’s First – Avoid These Silly Affiliate Marketing Mistakes!
Chapter 2: How to Identify & Pick Hot Selling Products
2.1 What You Need Before Getting Started
2.2 How to Pick the Best Product with the Best Payout and Great Demand
2.3 Recommended Top Affiliate Networks on the Internet
Chapter 3: Using Pay-Per-Click to Promote Affiliate Products
3.1 An overview on Adwords and other PPC Programs
3.2 How to Write an Attention-Grabbing PPC Ad
3.3 How to Bid for Profits using Google Adwords
3.4 Tracking and Monitoring your PPC Ad Performance
Chapter 4: Using Search Engine Optimization to Sell Products as an Affiliate
4.1 Why Search Engine Results Beat Sponsored Links Anytime
4.2 How to Build Affiliate Sites and Rank High in Search Engine Results
4.3 Recommended SEO-Oriented Affiliate Marketing Techniques
Chapter 5: BUM Marketing Exposed for Affiliates
5.1 What is BUM Marketing?
5.2 How to Apply the BUM Marketing Method to Increase Affiliate Sales
5.3 Recommended BUM Marketing Resource
Chapter 6: Leveraging on FREE Reports to Increase Affiliate Sales
6.1 How to Create a Free Report – Step-by-Step
6.2 Inserting Affiliate Links into Your Free Report
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6.3 Submitting Your Free Report for Exposure
Chapter 7: Rising to the Super Affiliate Level
7.1 What Constitutes a Super Affiliate?
7.2 How to Build Influence in the Shoes of a Super Affiliate
7.3 The Super Affiliate Marketing Tactics Exposed!
7.4 Real Life Case Studies of Super Affiliate Marketing Success
Chapter 8: Become a Supreme Affiliate Marketer Today!
8.1 Additional Supreme Affiliate Marketing Tips
8.2 The Most Valuable Advice to Any Beginning Affiliate Marketer
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Supreme Affiliate Marketing Wizard
“The Ultimate Guide to Earning a Comfortable Living from
Selling Products that You Don’t Even Have to Create!”
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Chapter 1:
Introduction to Affiliate Marketing
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1.1 The Background of Affiliate Marketing
As an ongoing way to create income opportunities, affiliate marketing has captured the
imagination and attention of a number of entrepreneurs over the last decade. Here is
some background on the development of affiliate marketing and how it continues to
evolve today.
At its core, affiliate marketing is all about getting attention for a good or service by
utilizing online resources that are managed by partners or affiliates. The most simplistic
of all these methods is allowing advertising to be displayed on a web site that is the
domain of the affiliate.
Typically, the advertisement will allow the prospective customer to click on and be
redirected to a page or site where there is more information and the chance to order the
good or service in question. In return for providing a doorway for that customer to
discover the product of service, the affiliate is rewarded with compensation, usually via
electronic transfer or check.
The concept of affiliate marketing is a natural outgrowth of the online marketing that
sprang up in the early years of widespread Internet use. At first, online marketing was
more of a business to business approach, since companies were the first to jump on the
Internet bandwagon. Putting up a web site and sending emails out to solicit business
was a cost-effective way to gather new business clients.
As Internet use began to spread into the home, a number of companies began to see
that working with owners of personal web sites would be a great way to promote goods
and services with very little in the way of investment in marketing resources.
The trick was to make the idea enticing to individuals, so they would be interested in
allowing companies to advertise through their web sites. Out of this need to come up
with a strategy that would appeal to a large body of people, the basics of affiliate
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marketing were developed, and still continue to shape the course of affiliate programs
The vast majority of affiliate programs provide compensation through revenue sharing.
In some cases, revenue sharing is referred to as a cost per sale transaction. Essentially,
the affiliate is earns either a fixed amount or a percentage of the purchase price when
anyone locates and buys the good or service through the portal provided by the affiliate.
For example, a family web site that allowed businesses that produced infant care
products to feature ads on the front page of the web site, complete with links, would pay
the family for every sale that was made through that link.
Many affiliate programs require that the earnings reach a certain level before pay out
takes place. Others will pay on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis, with no minimum
amount of earnings required.
Another less popular means of generating revenue through an affiliate program is the
cost per action method. This differs from the cost per sale method, in that cost per
action simply requires that the prospective buyer see the ad on a web site and click on it
to investigate for a minimum amount of time.
It does not have to end in a sale. As one can imagine, the amount of revenue generated
from this sort of arrangement is much less than by a cost per sale revenue sharing plan.
With the cost per action world, the pay per click may be the format that most people
recognize immediately. However, it is also the least popular method of affiliate
marketing today.
While PPC began with a strong following, the method proved to be far too susceptible to
fraudulent clicks, which resulted in little sales but a lot of money paid out by advertisers.
Today's methods, which help to track addresses of the customers as well as require a
minimum amount of browsing time, have cut down on the incidence of fraud a great
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Affiliate marketing today covers a wide range of products and services, from household
items to telecommunications offerings. Any enterprising individual with some expertise
in a given area could very well find an affiliate program that would generate some
recurring income. All it takes is a look around the Internet.
1.2 Why Affiliate Marketing is a Lucrative Business
If you have been considering an affiliate marketing venture, there are some very good
reasons why you should go with this method of generating recurring revenue. Here are
some of the ways that affiliate marketing can be a lucrative means of creating income
that will be stable and allow you to grow exposure over time.
One of the first advantages of affiliate marketing for the new entrepreneur is that the
startup cost is very low. Most companies that offer affiliate marketing programs do not
require any type of monetary investment on the part of the affiliate.
Expenses are limited to what you have to pay to connect with the Internet, the software
you may need to load on your computer, and a web site where the ads associated with
the affiliate marketing program can be placed. With web site hosting such an
inexpensive service these days, setting up your own web site for the affiliate ads will be
a breeze.
In fact, you may not have to set up anything, if you already have a web site up and
running. As an example, you may already own a web site that is dedicated to your
interest in alternative fuel options.
Signing up for an affiliate program that will place ads on your site that click through to
companies that produce vegetable based fuel options would be a natural way to earn a
little money. Associating your interests with the subject matter of the ads that appear on
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your web site is one of the easiest ways to build up a steady web presence that result in
a steady flow of income.
Another reason that affiliate marketing is such a moneymaker is the fact that there are
so many different types of ways to set up the program. You can go with the pay per click
option, which works out great when it comes to promoting special offers. Ads that lead
to product review sites often are a way to allow product users to go through your portal
and leave comments on the items they purchase.
Using ads to re-direct to opt-in email listings allows companies to build up qualified
email lists to use in their promotions, and results in income for you when people choose
to sign up. In fact, you could conceivably have a combination of these and other ads on
your site or sites, all earning money for you on a continual basis.
A third reason why affiliate marketing is so attractive is that you do not have to quite
your day job in order to work with the projects. Instead of going out on a limb with your
affiliate business, it is simply a matter of setting aside a few hours each week to devote
to signing up for programs, promoting the web sites where the ads will run, and allowing
your business to grow.
As the affiliate programs get on their feet and begin to generate respectable amounts of
income, you can expand the amount of time you devote to the project, eventually
phasing out working for someone else and creating your revenue streams full time. Few
income opportunities offer this type of flexibility.
Affiliate marketing is not a get rich quick scheme, although there is plenty of money to
be made with the right programs. You will have to devote some time and energy to the
But the nice thing is that once the web sites you manage and have ads placed on
become prominent on search engine lists, you will begin to see recurring income from
your efforts. In time, that could lead to a very attractive income that allows you both the
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resources and the time to live the type of life you have always wanted for yourself and
your loved ones.
1.2 Why Affiliate Marketing is a Lucrative Business
If you have been considering an affiliate marketing venture, there are some very good
reasons why you should go with this method of generating recurring revenue. Here are
some of the ways that affiliate marketing can be a lucrative means of creating income
that will be stable and allow you to grow exposure over time.
One of the first advantages of affiliate marketing for the new entrepreneur is that the
startup cost is very low. Most companies that offer affiliate marketing programs do not
require any type of monetary investment on the part of the affiliate.
Expenses are limited to what you have to pay to connect with the Internet, the software
you may need to load on your computer, and a web site where the ads associated with
the affiliate marketing program can be placed. With web site hosting such an
inexpensive service these days, setting up your own web site for the affiliate ads will be
a breeze.
In fact, you may not have to set up anything, if you already have a web site up and
running. As an example, you may already own a web site that is dedicated to your
interest in alternative fuel options. Signing up for an affiliate program that will place ads
on your site that click through to companies that produce vegetable based fuel options
would be a natural way to earn a little money.
Associating your interests with the subject matter of the ads that appear on your web
site is one of the easiest ways to build up a steady web presence that result in a steady
flow of income.
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Another reason that affiliate marketing is such a moneymaker is the fact that there are
so many different types of ways to set up the program. You can go with the pay per click
option, which works out great when it comes to promoting special offers. Ads that lead
to product review sites often are a way to allow product users to go through your portal
and leave comments on the items they purchase.
Using ads to re-direct to opt-in email listings allows companies to build up qualified
email lists to use in their promotions, and results in income for you when people choose
to sign up. In fact, you could conceivably have a combination of these and other ads on
your site or sites, all earning money for you on a continual basis.
A third reason why affiliate marketing is so attractive is that you do not have to quite
your day job in order to work with the projects. Instead of going out on a limb with your
affiliate business, it is simply a matter of setting aside a few hours each week to devote
to signing up for programs, promoting the web sites where the ads will run, and allowing
your business to grow.
As the affiliate programs get on their feet and begin to generate respectable amounts of
income, you can expand the amount of time you devote to the project, eventually
phasing out working for someone else and creating your revenue streams full time. Few
income opportunities offer this type of flexibility.
Affiliate marketing is not a get rich quick scheme, although there is plenty of money to
be made with the right programs. You will have to devote some time and energy to the
But the nice thing is that once the web sites you manage and have ads placed on
become prominent on search engine lists, you will begin to see recurring income from
your efforts. In time, that could lead to a very attractive income that allows you both the
resources and the time to live the type of life you have always wanted for yourself and
your loved ones.
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1.3 First Thing’s First – Avoid These Silly Affiliate Marketing
While affiliate marketing is a great way to earn a living, the fact is that many people
become discouraged and drop out of programs. In many instances, the failure to be
successful with affiliate marketing has to do with making a few simple mistakes. Here
are some examples of those mistakes and why they should be avoided.
Perhaps the most common misconception about affiliate marketing is that one can rake
in huge amounts of revenue simply by slapping up a low-quality website with no original
content and tossing in some affiliate links.
While it is certainly true that you need to have a web site up and running in order to
participate in an affiliate program, there is also the need to apply some effort to getting
the word out about your site. Otherwise, the chances of people visiting your web site
and clicking on one of the links are pretty slim.
Promoting yourself and your web site is a big part of ensuring the creation of affiliate
income. This will mean doing everything you can to raise your search engine ranking
positions on Google, Yahoo, and MSN.
Far too many people assume that somehow the Internet magically will capture every
lovely word on the web site and magically have it show up prominently when people do
a search. This is not the case at all. Taking the time to carefully research keywords,
craft content related to them, and the optimize your site for them is an absolute must.
And that’s not it. Marketing is bigger than just SEO. A strong and comprehensive
marketing effort includes getting out there and using every legitimate means of
promoting your site, from leaving business cards on restaurant tables to posting a
printed ad in the local supermarket to listing your site at online business and
informational sites.
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Choosing to consider this sort of activity a waste of time is more or less deciding you
want the program to fail.
Another mistake many affiliate partners make is not choosing products that have some
relevance to the content of your web site. For example, you run a wonderful web site
about the care and training of dogs. People will visit your site to see the images of your
pets, read your comments on various aspects of dog training, and perhaps to post a
message or two.
Since your visitors will already have an expressed interest in pets, why not make sure
the ads that reside on your site have to do with some aspect of pets or pet care? You
will earn much more money if this is the case, rather than having ads that have to do
with home decorating or some other subject.
Keeping your site content and the ads more or less relevant to one another will make it
easier to generate revenue, and not fail as an affiliate marketer. Now, this may seem
intuitive – but many make this mistake in subtle ways (i.e. they mismatch their
customers with products).
One final mistake that many affiliate marketers make is not sprucing up their web sites
from time to time. Keeping the content fresh is one way of building and keeping a loyal
reading audience.
If there is a reason to check back with your site every week, then chances are repeat
visitors will click on ads that appear to be new to them, or that they enjoyed looking at
the last time they visited your site.
Keeping the same old look and the same old text with nothing new to entice people
back is a sure way to limit your chances at being a successful affiliate marketer.
In short, most of the more common mistakes all track back to an attitude that you do not
have to do anything in order to generate revenue.
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The fact is that you do have to proactively promote your site, keep the content fresh,
and make sure the ads have some connection to the subject matter of your site.
By taking the time and effort to do these three simple things, you will have much better
chances at being a success with affiliate marketing.
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Chapter 2:
How to Identify & Pick
Hot Selling Products
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2.1 What You Need Before Getting Started
While there is not a lot of expense in starting up as an affiliate marketer, there are a few
things that you need to do if you really want to make money marketing other people’s
Here are some basic tips to help you line up all your things to do before you ever sign
up for that first affiliate program.
One of the basic needs for any successful affiliate program is to have a web site of your
own. While it is possible to purchase ad space on sites and to advertise through Google
Adwords, this is short term strategy.
Setting up a basic web site that has a particular focus will make all the difference in the
world to the success of your program. Keep in mind that your web site does not have to
be complicated with a lot of flash media, animation or other fancy bells and whistles.
In fact, if you plan on focusing your attention on affiliate marketing strategies that target
the home consumer, you are better off with a basic site that will load quickly on a dial up
connection. After all, dial-up is still extremely popular in a number of locations.
While you could choose to go with a free web site, you will find it much easier to work
with affiliate programs if you go with your own domain name. It is very easy and
inexpensive to secure a domain name and space on a remote server these days. Some
companies will provide you with both services for a low monthly charge.
Often, they may also have basic software to help you design and upload your pages to
the server, even if you are not particularly savvy with the technology. One great place to
check for this sort of thing is at
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Another important aspect is determining just what your contact information will be,
regarding communication with your affiliate program. This would include an email
address and physical mailing address. The email address should be one you have set
aside specifically for your marketing business.
You may find it helpful to obtain a free email address, although you will certainly look
more professional if the email address appears to be lead to a business of some sort.
Often, you will have the option of having one email address when you secure a domain
name. If that is the case, go this route and use that as your contact for any email
As far as your physical mailing address, determine where you may want your affiliate
checks to be mailed. If you are not secure having the checks come to your home for
come reason, secure a post office box.
Online payments are a great way to easily receive your affiliate payments and keep
track of your earnings. From this angel, you may want to look into opening an account
with one of the more popular online services that send and receive funds.
PayPal is one example of such a service. Many people are familiar with PayPal, and
just about everyone knows how to use it to send payments. Another popular option is
ClickBank, which offers services that are almost identical to PayPal. Both these options
are reliable, quick, and provide you with financial detail that will allow you to keep up
with your earnings easily.
One last tool to set in place before you embark on your first affiliate marketing program
is a promotion plan for the web site where the ads will reside. This will mean that you
have a procedure in place to tie keywords and key phrases back to your site, publish
the site on all the major search engines, and also have some content ready to add to
the site periodically.
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Additionally, you will have located at least a few online business sites where you can
post your URL in business listings. Making sure people can find your site during
searches is imperative; that is where a lot of your traffic will come from.
Also, you want the content to change slightly from time to time, so people have a reason
to visit your site on a regular basis. All these methods will greatly increase the chances
of clicks on the ads posted on the site.
2.2 How to Pick the Best Product with the Best Payout and
Great Demand
Being successful at affiliate marketing takes more than just signing up for a program. It
also means thinking through the process and making sure you sign up with a program
that will provide you with the opportunity to make a lot of money.
Here are a few tips to help you determine which products would yield a high return in
the way of generated revenue for you.
One of the first things to think in terms of when it comes to affiliate marketing is
determining where your talents and expertise happen to reside. One of the keys to
picking the best products for your particular situation have to do with what you know and
how much you know about it.
As an example, a person that has worked in telecommunications for a number of years
will probably know a great deal about telephony, related services, and technology that
are used within that industry.
This would make it a natural fit to design a web site that would make a perfect
showplace for ads that have to do with telecommunications providers, services,
providers, and distributors.
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Keep in mind that using your bank of knowledge will allow you to find creative ways to
drive the right people to your site. They in turn will be the right market sector to be
interested in the ads; great increases your chances of earning a steady and rewarding
Another aspect about setting up with the right products to promote has to do with where
you see a niche to fill in. Finding a population or business sector that appears to be
largely ignored in the marketing process can provide the inspiration you need to create
a successful affiliate marketing program.
By promoting yourself and the affiliate ads to persons and businesses that do not
receive a lot of attention, you very quickly build up a presence where the competition is
less fierce, and enhance your potential for creating a secure revenue stream.
A third approach is simply taking a look at what is currently available in the way of
products to promote. This can be accomplished by checking the types of promotions
that are offered through the affiliate program.
If you have no special interest that you want to promote with your web site, then spend
some time checking out the size and about of average revenue generated by the
different industries represented in the product selections.
As an example, you decide that you may be interested in promoting legal services as
part of your affiliate strategy. Get some figures on how much revenue mediation
services and attorney firms are likely to generate in a year.
If this looks promising, you can develop a web site that is ideal for ads that track back to
legal firms, arbitration services, and even office supplies for legal firms. This approach
can lead to some excellent income opportunities.
It is important to remember that determining what direction to go in with your affiliate
marketing plan may take some time to develop. While it is true that some people enter
into affiliate programs with a very clear vision of what they want to do and why, there is
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nothing wrong with taking some time to investigate your options, doing some research,
and even getting some outside opinions about the potential for success.
Do not allow yourself to get discouraged simply because everything is not crystal clear
as you begin this part of the process. Practicing some patience and giving yourself time
to find the right products to promote as part of the program will only serve to make you
more dedicated to the success of the program.
In the end, you will find the products that will lead to a very successful affiliate marketing
scheme and provide you with not only a handsome revenue stream, but also a lot of
personal satisfaction.
2.3 Recommended Top Affiliate Networks on the Internet
When you decide to enter the world of affiliate marketing, there are a number of markets
that are worthy of consideration. Here are three programs that have captured the
attention of a lot of people, simply because of their stability and reliability.
Perhaps the best known of the three programs is ClickBank:
There are a number of reasons why people find ClickBank such an attractive option
when it comes to affiliate programs.
One aspect is that the revenue generated by any purchase made through the ad portal
is credited to your account within two minutes of the completion of the transaction.
Because ClickBank provides such a comprehensive tracking program, it is easy for
affiliates to see how things are going, even if they run multiple sites as part of the
This handy software interface means that you do not have to set up a separate
ClickBank account for every different program that you are working. Everything can be
routed to a central ClickBank account, and the transaction detail will be plenty to help
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you sort the transactions into workable detail on how much you are making from each
web site.
Along with the ads on your sites, you will also have a branded portal that will take
visitors over to the ClickBank marketplace. Any items that are purchased at the
marketplace through your portal will also be subject to a commission payment to you,
and will reflect in your daily detail, just as any purchase from the affiliate ads would do.
This in effect allows you to maximize your earning potential using the resources that
ClickBank provides. Payments are currently made by check, which are mailed out every
two weeks.
Http:// is also an excellent choice as an affiliate network. Just as
with ClickBank, PayDotCom provides an easy to use affiliate interface that allows you to
view your numbers in real time. You can easily track such data as the number of clicks
on the ads and the amount of commissions you have made by directing visitors over to
the marketplace through the portal on your web site.
One of the advantages of PayDotCom is that this program will interface with your
PayPal account, which means that vendors can send your monthly commission directly
to your PayPal account. It is important to note that not all vendors will use PayPal as a
payment method, so you may still receive payments by check as well.
Still, a number of the vendors do utilize PayPal, and that can often mean generated
revenue without having to wait for a long time. Keep in mind that if you select PayPal as
your preferred method of payment, you will be subject to any fees you normally incur
when receiving funds.
In like manner, you will pay a small percentage of the payout on each purchase to
PayDotCom as well. This program is easy to sign up with, and the staff does a great job
of working with persons who are new to affiliate marketing.
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Http://www.sharesale.con is a third option that is rapidly gaining recognition among
affiliate marketers. As a program that is designed to match up to the content of your
existing web site, Sharesale is free to join as an affiliate.
Basically, you can sign up for the program and then browse through a list of available
merchant programs, selecting the ones that you believe will be of interest to the readers
and visitors at your web site. The merchant list includes a wide variety of industry types
and products, some of them digital, but many of them physical.
Earnings for the sale will vary. Some merchants prefer to use a flat rate for a sale, while
others go with a percentage commission on the purchase amount. It is easy to
determine which method is preferred while you are checking out the merchant listing.
Persons that want to take a look at the merchant list before signing up for the program
can search by category, by method of compensation, and by the newest programs
added in the last twenty days.
As with all the best affiliate programs, Sharesale makes it easy to view your traffic and
earnings around the clock. The reports are all web based, so you do not need any
special software to load the reports.
Payments on generated revenue can be received via a check mailed to you, or by direct
deposit to a bank account. At present, you have to earn a minimum of $50.00 USD
during the previous calendar month in order to receive a payment. Any amount under
that will roll over into the next payment period.
And we can NOT forget
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Chapter 3:
Using Pay-Per-Click to Promote
Affiliate Products
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3.1 An Overview on Adwords and other PPC Programs
If you haven’t used Adwords yet to promote your business, you’ve been missing out.
Not only is it one of the fastest ways to advertise (you can get ads up in less than 5
minutes), but it is also one of the easiest ways to reach a massive audience. You don’t
need good connections.
You don’t need a big mailing list. You don’t need a massive budget (in fact, you don’t
even have to pay for your advertising fees until the end of the month). And you don’t
need a degree in computer science to “engineer” a site that ranks well in search
So what do you need in order to be successful with Adwords? First of all, you need an
account. If you haven’t started one yet, cruise over to
and open one.
Once you open an account, you will want to start testing some of Adwords’s features.
Try out the keyword tool to find new keywords related to your niche. Use the bid tool to
determine approximately how much your advertising campaign will cost. And so on. Get
familiar with Adwords.
Once you become familiar with Adwords, you will want to consider making a campaign
for your business. But before you do that, you need to understand the following two
things, which will help you to structure your campaigns correctly:

  1. Google Adwords—and all “pay per click” advertising programs—charge you per
    click, not per impression, action, or sale. What does this mean? It means it is
    incumbent on you to ensure that you are a) paying the right price per click; b)
    purchasing the right keywords; c) writing ads that people will actually click on;
    and d) making sure clicks turn into sales. Google will serve ads for you, but other
    than that, it’s up to you to figure out how you’re going to get a decent ROI.
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  2. Two things determine how well an ad is ranked by Adwords (but not necessarily
    other PPC advertising programs): 1) your bid; and 2) your ad’s click through rate
    (CTR). What this means for you is quite simple: if your CTR is phenomenal, you
    can get a high ad position without paying more money per click. If, on the other
    hand, your CTR is lackluster, you’ll have to pay out the nose to get that same
    position. So make sure you write an ad people will click on – or prepare to pay.
    As a new Adwords user, you certainly have a lot to learn. But if you keep the two things
    above in mind, you shouldn’t stray too far from making successful campaigns and
    capitalizing on them.
    Now, with that in mind, you shouldn’t forget that there are other pay per click advertising
    programs available. While Adwords offers high quality traffic in large volume, it also
    costs more to use (i.e. bids for keywords are higher) than most other pay per click
    advertising programs.
    You may want to consider complementing your Adwords campaigns by creating parallel
    campaigns with the following advertising programs:
  3. Yahoo Search Marketing: While
    Yahoo has a much smaller market share of the search market than Google, it is
    still formidable when compared to most other search engines. Additionally, many
    keywords on YSM are much cheaper than on Google.
  4. Microsoft Search (BING): MSN, like Yahoo,
    receives a considerable amount of search traffic – although still much less than
    Google. If you want to scalp some cheap PPC keywords, consider checking MSN
    out, too.
    So there you have it: a brief overview of how to use Google Adwords, as well as a list of
    its major PPC competitors.
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    3.2 How to Write an Attention-Grabbing PPC Ad
    Pay per click is perhaps the best advertising medium available for Internet-based
    businesses and for small businesses in general. It allows them to carefully cut the
    advertising fat by choosing exactly what they will pay for and what they won’t.
    They not only get to select the keywords they want to bid on, but they only pay when
    someone actually clicks through one of those ads and is directed to their site. This is a
    far cry from paying for advertising on a billboard, which might generate a lot of
    “impressions,” but few actions.
    Unfortunately, though, advertising through PPC programs, such as Google’s Adwords,
    is no piece of cake – despite what many gurus may tell you during a sales pitch. In fact,
    it may be extremely hard or even impossible to get a reasonable return on your
    investment in certain niches using pay per click advertising.
    However, if you keep a few basic principles in mind, earning an excellent ROI on your
    PPC advertising investment is nearly guaranteed. So where do you start? Arguably, the
    most important part of creating a successful PPC advertising campaign is writing an ad
    that will increase your click through rate (CTR), so this is a good place to start.
    Writing an ad that commands a high ROI can be broken down into the following steps:
  5. Pick the right keywords for the ad. While this seems like it has nothing to do with
    writing the ad, it actually is the first and most important step. If you want your ad
    to have a high click through rate, it must be narrowly focused around a set of
    keyphrases that all have the same root keyword in common. This will allow you
    to repeat that root keyword 1-3 times throughout the ad. Whenever someone
    searches for one of those keywords and your ad pops up, the root will appear in
    bold, since it is part of the keyword they searched for. This will make it stick out
    clearly, drawing them to click on it.
    Supreme Affiliate Marketing Wizard 28
  6. Avoid fancy stuff in the headline. Here, all you want is a simple description of the
    product or service offered: “Grand Piano for Sale.” Also, remember to include
    that root keyword in the headline to make it stick out more. People need to
    immediately see whether or not your ad is relevant. And the best way to
    communicate that is to say exactly what you’re selling.
  7. Communicate the best feature associated with your product on the first line of
    your ad (below the headline) or clarify exactly what is you are selling. For
    example, in the “grand piano” ad above, you could ad something like the
    following: “Choose Between 700 Grand Pianos” or “Pay Only $500 for Your
    Grand Piano.”
  8. Last, in your second line, communicate a benefit associated with your product.
    Here, rather than saying something physical about your store or product, you will
    explain what the product can do for the person. The product might “Save You
    Hundreds” or “Teach You How to Make Millions.” Make sure it is compelling and
    relevant. Ask yourself (and possibly a friend) whether or not this is something
    that would make you take action.
    And there you have it: a 4-step blueprint for creating an “attention-grabbing” PPC
    advertisement. Once you put your first ad up and allow it to rotate, you will then want to
    start testing competing ads.
    The best way to do this is to alter one part of the ad at a time. For instance, start off by
    altering your headline until you get a better CTR. After that, work on your first line – and
    so on. After a few weeks of working out changes, you should have an effective,
    powerful ad.
    3.3 How to Bid for Profits using Google Adwords
    Supreme Affiliate Marketing Wizard 29
    Bidding to make a profit on Google Adwords might not seem as obvious as the experts
    tell you. In their 5 minute videos, they’ll show you some quick technique to figure out
    how much to bid and for what keywords.
    You’ll walk away thinking you understand the process. And then something strange will
    happen: you’ll be absolutely unable to implement their suggestions. No matter what you
    try, you’ll struggle to break even with your campaigns.
    So why is this? Why can’t you experience the success that the experts suggest is
    completely within your reach? One common culprit is inept bid-setting. Many people
    who are new to Adwords do not know how to calculate profitable bid amounts. In fact, it
    is quite simple, but you have to work through it carefully. Here’s a step-by-step process
    for doing it:
  9. Based on past selling experience, determine a rough conversion rate for the
    product you are selling. For instance, if you can usually convert 4 people out of
    every 100 who land on your salespage, then you have a conversion rate of 4%.
    Even if you cannot estimate this perfectly, try to come up with some rough
    measure before moving on to the next step.
  10. Now that you’ve determined your conversion rate, you now need to calculate how
    much you profit per sale. Don’t get lazy here. If you sell an affiliate product and
    make a 50% commission, you might be tempted to simply multiply the price by
    ½. In reality, if you’re using Clickbank or Paypal, they will extract a fee, so you’re
    not earning 50% per sale. You need to calculate this, too.
  11. Next, take the profit per sale and multiply that number by your conversion rate. If,
    for instance, your conversion rate is 4% and your profit per sale is $50, then you
    would multiply 50 by .04 and get $2. This means that the maximum amount of
    money you can afford to spend (if your conversion rate is 4%) is $2 per bid –
    your break-even point. Spend more than that and you’re actually losing money
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