Want to start a facebook busniess, this is how I did it.

in #marketing7 years ago

Here is how I started. (I make a profile on facebook, add people, advertise when u have alot frineds. and facebook turn ur profile over to a page. meaning ur friends will be automatically likes.)

(This is what I did, proof at the end of the post. + a few tips)

  1. Buy a kids facebook "PROFILE" (reason: Because when you create a fake facebook account, it will be detected as fake profile very quick. because when you add people, facebook will notice that the people you added is not in a network of friends. like, one from japan, one from norway, etc, etc, and no one of ur friends are friends with each other. So it will be detected as fake profile). When you buy a kids facebook profile, you will take over an legit account, that is secretly verified, meaning it wont be detected as fake profile.

  2. Get some workers, maybe 7-10 friends. So you can change who should be on the account. add 50 people aday, and make sure to speak with them alot. get friends with the random poeple. so everytime you post something, you will have random internet friends linking ur post. (if ur 7 workers, then you should be working 1 day a week. You can work like 1-2hours, just chatting with people, and add up to 50 people a day. DONT ADD TO MANY, it will be detected as fake profile then.).

  3. btw, if ur workers is not from the same country, you will have problems log on the facebook account and will need to verify logg in each time. cuz you cant be on the profile like 1 day in japan, the next day mexico, and the next day usa, etc etc. So what to do here is to download Tor Browser and DO SETTING about country IP. Like, you tell ur workers to make Tor Browser only use IP from 1 country. like I did norway, since im from norway. so ur friends around the world will have no problem log on the profile.

  4. Now select a target group of people, like I was doing ps3 GTA V and Black ops 2 hacking, so I joined many difference Gaming groups of GTA V and Black ops 2. and started to add people with same interessere. When you reach 1-2K friends start to use ur profile like it was a page. Start advertise over and over on ur facebook profile. (Make sure you link ur youtube channel and ask them to subscirbe to you *need to be the same business.) Like the post I advertised over and over was my YT videos of me modding in games etc. Facebook hates when you get facebook people to go out of facebook and over to youtube.

  5. Make sure to chat with everyone, and lie to them that you will start do legit giveaways soon, etc. because then they will act very good friends to win, and they will like every singel post.
    (I hade giveaway every week, but it was a legit giveaway. but it didnt cost me, its just took me time. my giveaway was modded black ops 1 and gta v account with millions of cash ingame. I had and still have jailbroken ps3, whats allows me to hack money ingame. and then I gave away the accounts. Btw, the more legit you are, the better and fast it will grow.) but I can recommand cheat the and pick your workers real profile as winner. so you can make a video where you anncouce the winner and then you fake give him the price he won.

  6. Now, just wait for facebook to turn your profile into a page, they did it with me. And I had around 950 friends, and boom, the day I logged on it was a page :D with many 950 followers.

proof 1;

(me playing GTA V, all the likes are from facebook people trying to get friends with me. You can easily build up 100 likes a day, it took me just 3 days.)

proof 2: https://www.facebook.com/TheOnlyRepz/

I didnt make money, cuz I didnt use facebook much. my busniess was more about youtube making videos then earn money.
but Im sure you somehow find a way to use this as you want to.

hope you understand, and I have shit english. and the post is very messy, I know.