The best way to sell is to know what your customers want, but how do you find out?

in #marketing3 years ago

How many sales have you made so far?
I'd rather have ten people look at the correct offer than a thousand people look at the incorrect one.

So the first thing you should do with this product is to try it out.

Get yourself out of the "I'm just looking for traffic" rut.

Although traffic is important, the most important aspect to grasp is giving people what they desire. Everything changed for me once I started doing it. That was something I figured out along the way.

a long time ago, but this particular procedure has completely blown my mind.

But, in the marketing world, how is that possible?
There are a number of free programs available to help you with this.
I'll discuss a couple of them before focusing on one.


These technologies enable you to do "decision tree marketing."

where you can crush whichever avatar you choose.

Typeform, JotForm, and other similar tools are among them.

Wufoo and Google Forms are two popular options.

They enable you to create a lively, conversational environment.

a user interface

A. Provide us with information on that unique customer, and
B. Direct them to the best place to buy based on that information.
When you start piecing things together, it's quite astounding.

“Conversational Interfaces” are the next big revolution. You don’t
get any more granular than this when dealing with a person that
you haven’t met before, where you can have this wholly
automated once set up and have it able to be scaled.
All of this without coding! And without needing to make a

I'm going to use JotForm to break down this process. I've tried many similar apps during my research, but JotForm is my favorite because you can get started for free.

Let's look at an example to illustrate the point.

One important aspect to note is that by using this program, you will end up with a link.

This one-of-a-kind hyperlink can be placed anywhere. This could be something you post on your Facebook wall or group, in the description of a Youtube video, or in response to a question.

a question on Quora, Twitter, and so on The problem isn't with traffic.

You end up with a link that, when clicked, takes the person through the fast procedure you designed, resulting in the creation of a unique customer avatar for each person.

When you go to, you can join up with a Google account or a Facebook account.

Account, Facebook, or an email address are all options. You can use any of the other sites I mentioned, but I wanted to show you how to utilize one of my favorites with a new account.