Why is Gillette's commercial against toxic masculinity so important?

On January 13, the renowned razor brand Gillette launched a commercial entitled "We Believe: The Best Men Can Be," which seeks to place the topic of toxic masculinity on the table and reflect on it, calling on men to be the best version of themselves, to help others and to be responsible for our actions.
Sounds like an excellent message, doesn't it? Unfortunately, the commercial has had a very negative reception, evidenced by the number of dislikes in the video on YouTube, which at the time of writing this post, is close to one million, while the likes exceed 500 thousand. Why does this happen? Why does a commercial with a good message generate such a response?
The reason this happens is because the commercial poses a self-assessment for the viewer. It invites introspection and makes the consumers look at themselves in a mirror. Obviously, many don't like what they see. They don't like the fact that it is seen as something negative that the violent male stereotype is questioned and pointed out as such.

The brand calls us to be better human beings and to understand that violence, no matter how much we have been taught as something "natural" among men, is negative. The reactions prove the point of the commercial: "Some already are (speaking and acting the right way) in ways big and small. But 'some' is not enough; because the boys watching today will be the men of tomorrow." Unfortunately, society has a deep-rooted culture of machismo, and many harmful behaviors are considered normal.
It is for this reason that the brand invites everyone to be better. To those who already are, to continue learning every day and help other men to reason and show them what is right. Lead by example. Raise our children through the righteousness of our actions. Gillette is expressing "We believe in the best man you can be," and it is a powerful message that many are receiving defensively, showing that we must work hard as a society on this issue.
If this commercial offends you, it's time to look at yourself. What's in it that makes you feel attacked? What things you see there as negative do you think are good or normal? Why do you see it that way? Is it bad to want to improve, do things right and respect others? Is it bad to promote positive masculinity? Is it bad to stop harassing women? Is it bad to defend those who suffer bullying? Is it bad to stop the cycle of violence?
It's time to check ourselves, take responsibility for our actions and be the best we can be.

The ad just target blames the whole market for the faults of a few bad individuals as a cultural phenomenon the message could have been done in a better non-confrontational way this was meant to rile viewers.
Also youtube is playing a game and pretending that the Dislike button only has 1 Million Dislikes when it was clearly 5 million and removing the votes on purpose. If that is not manipulation to a target narrative and to avoid it being put in the top 3 of Wikipedia's most disliked Video List I don't know what is.
It is a trend though
It's not "the faults of a few bad individuals," it's a culture based on violence that has been connected to masculinity for centuries.
If you don't understand it, I'm not going to explain it to you because clearly your privilege won't let you see what I'm talking about.
Check your Privilege
The ability to have a conversation is a skill, what your version of feminism espouses is a first world problems privileged position of identity politics.
You clearly show ignorance the moment their is a conflict with your own ideology.
Now that is what I would call white women privilege and 90% of people will agree that Gillette was wrong.
Men do not have an intrinsic sin or evil within them that they must spend their whole lives to atone for. While the intention may have been to challenge learned behavior what it actually does is send a message to men and to boys that they are evil and acting in a boyish way is a bad thing and that is the real issue with this ad.
At the end of the day, are you really listening to the story or are you being influenced by it. As we saw this weekend with the Covington students the rush to be first to publish a story can be biased.
Question more
(4/5) In the face of racist and homosexual slurs, the young boys refused to reciprocate or disrespect anyone. Even when taunted by homophobic bigots, which was obviously bewildering to them, they insulted no one.