Market Friday: I Out-Shopped My Wife

in #marketfriday7 years ago

You have heard the saying "Shop til you drop?" After several hours wandering around Home Depot on their wicked concrete floors, my wife could not take any more. I scooted the toilet over so she could sit on the edge of the cart while I finished shopping. With all her Christmas shopping and grocery shopping experience, I never imagined she would wimp out on me like that! In her defense, it was a bit like "The Odyssey."


From where @fishyculture was sitting when she took the photo to where I am dropping a bucketload more into a cart is all our stuff.

FOUR CARTS. Three of them were those big construction style ones. We have nearly gutted an old trailer and are putting it back together. That requires some parts. Lots of parts... Lumber, plywood, plumbing and electrical supplies. an upgraded well pump, vinyl flooring, little decorative fufus for the Mrs., a toilet and sink (they did not have the right size tub or that would have been another cart!) The receipt was a couple of pages!


Awaiting the total... not too bad, better than a mortgage!

The little place is coming along. The new floor is down, just some finish work to do there. It looks pretty good considering it was used flooring and we have never put in a floor before.


Beer-thirty on the new floor!

Here is the BIG project in progress... It is just not a home without a bathroom. The septic should be finished in the next month or so. I hope to have the interior all done by the time Jack gets here to dig the lines. I have sworn off overtime at work until I get the overtime at home done!


Camp-potty is fine during construction but it is not a long term solution.
All photos taken by @fishyculture with her Samsung Galaxy cell phone.

Thanks to @dswigle for continuing to host #MarketFriday, where even guy shopping is celebrated! Be sure to see her latest postwhere she goes girl shopping in a charming harbor town in Maine. Sorry, you cannot bring your moose in the store... they are anti-moosist, it is tragic!




I used to be able to shop for longer than I can now. Cement floors do my legs and feet in so I can sympathise with @fishyculture! I can hardly wait to see when the total job is done! I'd say the floor looks pretty darned good. Bathrooms and kitchens are my banes. I like to leave them for somebody else. I will design but that is far as I go! 🤣🤣

I have to work on cement floors so I am used to it, and so hate them very, very much. The kitchen is going to be made functional first, then get finished last. Our motto on the whole thing is "It is an old trailer" so we just do the best we can, then shrug and move on.

Your poor wife! Lol I get burnt out in home improvement stores as well...not sure why though lol I hope your project goes well!

Thanks! After that, we decided she should buy the wallpaper online lol!

Haha sounds like a plan!

Shop till you drop! Lol I love how you got @fishyculture to sit on the throne while you finished shopping. It looks great in your new build though - very smart. I have so much damn work to do around the family house and I keep just putting it off, last winter it was too cold, then it's been too warm with the hot weather. Now I just can't be bothered because I spend every free minute on steemit - one day maybe I'll fix all the stuff.

#thealliance #witness

Well my queen deserves a throne! We have been trying to make some serious progress this summer, we need to finish some of the projects we started to feel like we have accomplished something. Too many years of spinning our wheels. It is definitely cramping our steemit time!

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OMG! You are such a girl!

You out-shopped my @fishyculture girl?? You have my deepest respect. It's not everybody that can come out on the upside of that one. I have to admit that I am in love with renovating houses, but that is only when I am not on a timeline.

I love flooring that has been repurposed for another project. I like the warmth of wood that has been used as opposed to brand new. Call me strange, but it works for me. As for the camp-potty, well... I have to admit to that with not win me over but I could do it. Maybe. If I had to. Okay, it's better than the woods.

I love your wit and humor and it is really awesome of you to share your building experience with us. And hey, it's looking great in there. Thank you so much could being apart of Market Friday. Kudos to your better half for her part as your staff photographer. Hey! There's nothing like shopping with your moose!

Upped and steemed

Thank you! I don't know how I missed this but tip! for Aunt Tippy and her sweet self since I can't upvote this now. The camp potty is only for emergency use, we are still living in the house on the hill above the property with a proper potty. But those days are soon to be behind us too!

These are exciting times! I can hardly wait for another update!

These are exciting
Times! I can hardly wait for
Another update!

                 - dswigle

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