Marijuana - Comparing prices worldwide.... (10 minute read)

in #marijuana9 years ago

A while ago had a blog entry about the different types of #marijuana and prices in the Netherlands. Today we'll look at how prices are worldwide . The prices used in this article are from a study done by UNODC, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (

Are you interested in the Excel file? You can download it here :

The average price per region (1 gram)

Now you may understand why drug travelers take as much risk. It is quite a lucrative trade from Africa to smuggle marijuana to other regions .

As I dive further into the Excel file,I noticed that in Guinea we getting the most weed for our money. A gram of marijuana costs just one penny there! But if you like marijuana , do not live in Bermuda, marijuana goes for $ 124 per gram . That is almost $ 25 per joint!

That is 12400 times more expensive than a gram of marijuana in Guinea !. It's even 9.5 times more expensive than in the Netherlands, where cannabis is easily available .

Want to compare the prices of your country with that of other countries? See the chart below ( click on the chart below ) And tell me what the price is in the country where you live in.....

(this is a repost)
Did you find this interesting? Take a look at my previous article: