Marijuana Terms - The Definitive Guide - Top Dank

in #marijuana7 years ago

As anybody new to marijuana knows, Marijuana smokers have their own secret language.

This glossary was made, because it sucks not knowing what your peers are talking about. By the end of this guide you will undoubtedly know: a topical is not just something you need after a trip to Tijuana and kind bud is not Marijuana that holds the door open for you. Without further ado, here is Top Dank's Complete Cannabis Glossary.

420 (pronounced four-twenty)

A number wildly popular in cannabis history. It originated in 1971 by a group of teenagers in San Rafael, California. They would meet at their local smoke spot at 4:20 pm to smoke marijuana together. This practice of smoking at 4:20 is still done today by stoners all around the world. April 20th (4/20) is even a National Stoner Holiday, where people around the world celebrate and smoke Cannabis.

Access Point

Depending on which state you reside, Marijuana Dispensaries are sometimes referred to as "Access Points." These Access Points are where medical marijuana patients can legally obtain medical cannabis. These facilities are usually strictly regulated by the state and often require extensive paperwork and strict guidelines for doing business.


The process of growing marijuana with the roots suspended in air instead of soil. Nutrients are sprayed into the root zone in the form of a fine mist.


Refers to a cannabis plant that is harvested once a year. Most annual plants are outdoor, as harvest time can be manipulated through artificial indoor lighting.


A small white insect that is a common pest when growing cannabis. Aphid's eat the cannabis plant and must be eradicated immediately as they are detrimental to a plants well-being.


An "Aroma" describes the general smell of a plant or flowers. Some common cannabis aromas are skunky, citrusy, fruity and piney. Often times the aroma is a good indication of taste. In dispensaries it is not uncommon for patients to smell the cannabis flowers for quality.


A type of Marijuana that goes from the vegetative stage to flowering stage based on its age not light to dark ratios.


The joint between the leaf or leaf stalk and the stem that carries it.

Backcross (BX)

A backcross is the method of breeding a hybrid plant with one of it's parents to retain certain qualities of the parent plant. This is done in strains to strengthen their genetics. For example if you have a potent strain with low yields, you can cross it with a higher yielding strain to produce a potent high yielding strain. You then backcross it with the original parent strain to try to keep some of the characteristic genes of the parent plant like potency or CBD%.


A slang term to mean you are high. Example: I smoked a joint and am feeling pretty baked.

BC Seeds

Marijuana seeds that originate from British Columbia, Canada.


Butane Hash Oil (BHO) is an extremely potent concentrate of cannabinoids created by dissolving marijuana in Butane. Also known as wax, honey oil, earwax or shatter depending on the manufacturing method. BHO's potency is as high as 90% THC and is a favorite in most dispensaries. People opposed to Marijuana often use BHO in their campaigns, as it looks like you are smoking crack and if manufactured improperly can blow up. It is called dabbing when you smoke BHO.

Blood Meal

A high nitrogen, organic fertilizer used to stimulate vegetative growth in seedlings and clones.

Blue Dream

Blue Dream is a popular Sativa Hybrid Dominant Strain.


A cigar that has been hollowed out and filled with marijuana. Blunts are popular because they are inconspicuous and can hold more marijuana than joints. The cigar rap also gives smokers the ability to have different flavored cannabis like grape, watermelon or peach.


A common abbreviation used by dispensaries meaning buy one get one free. For example BOGO 1/8 for first time patients.


A bong, also known as a water pipe, is a cannabis smoking apparatus that filters the smoke through water before reaching the lungs. Bongs are a favorite amongst cannabis smokers, because you can take bigger hits than on a standard pipe.


The bowl shaped area where you load the marijuana in a pipe or bong.

Bubble Hash

A potent form of hash created by filtering marijuana through multiple bags with different size micron filters at the bottom. These bags are filtered in ice cold water inside a bucket. The bags are shaken, the ice cold water agitates the THC on the marijuana and it is dislodged from the plant and collected in different size filters. Depending on the filter size you get hash that is high grade to low cooking grade.


Buds or Nugs are the fluffy flower that is harvested form a marijuana plant. This part of the plant is very psychoactive and rich in cannabinoid concentration. It is not uncommon for buds to be resinous and have red, orange or other colored hairs on them.


When everyone is stoned having a good time and someone says a stupid or mean comment that makes the room go silent. In effect turning a good time into a crappy time.


Cannabinoids are the medically beneficial compounds in Cannabis. The human body has receptors for cannabinoids in the brain, creating various effects when consumed. The most famous cannabinoid in Marijuana is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), this is the psychoactive component of marijuana. Another common cannabinoid is CBD (Cannabidiol), this is being researched to prevent seizures and cancer growth among other things. There are over 85 known cannabinoids in Marijuana, their medical benefits are still poorly understood.


A more socially acceptable and scientific name for Marijuana. The three species of Cannabis are: Cannabis indica, Cannabis sativa and Cannabis ruderalis. The most commonly used species for medical and recreational use are Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa. Indica's are commonly described as more relaxing night time highs. As sativa's produce more energetic and cerebral highs, great for creativity and daytime smokers. Cannabis ruderalis is low in THC so not commonly planted. It does have the benefit of being autoflowering. So some growers will cross ruderalis plants with other photoperiod plants to make them autoflowering. Cannabis originated in Asia, but is now grown worldwide.


When the bowl has been smoked to completion and only ash remains. Example: "I cashed the first bowl and then smoked a second."


Short for cannabidiol, CBD is a cannabinoid that is commonly used in medical marijuana research. It has been used to treat seizures, cancer, anxiety, inflammation and other medical conditions. It is sought after because it does not contain the psychoactive effects of THC. This means it can be administered to children (under doctor's recommendation) or others who do not wish to get high.


An old slang word for Marijuana.


The word chiefing can mean to smoke marijuana. Example: Lets go chief some buds. It can also mean hogging the joint, blunt or pipe. Example: quit chiefing that bowl it is going to be gone before the rest of us get any.


A common hip hop term to mean very high quality marijuana. Popularized by Dr. Dre's the Chronic 2001 album.


Concentrates are a potent form of marijuana. They are created by dissolving marijuana in a solvent like Butane or Carbon Dioxide which consolidates the cannabinoids into a potent mixture. Depending on the manufacturing method the final product can be an oil (wax) or resinous flakes (shatter). Concentrates tend to be very potent and usually have a higher THC concentration than hash.


A cooperative is a community of marijuana patients who come together to grow, share, receive and sell marijuana. It is not uncommon for individual members of the co-op's maximum allowed quantities to be combined. For example if one person can grow 6 marijuana plants a co-op of 5 people can grow 30 marijuana plants. The rules governing cooperatives vary by state.


Carbon dioxide is often used to extract THC from cannabis, in the manufacturing of concentrates. You take CO2 as a gas or a liquid and pressurize it to the "Super Critical" state (anything above 1078 PSI). As you pass the gas through it will pull the oils, waxes and other materials out of the plant.

Coming Down

A side effect of Marijuana that causes you to get very tired a few hours after you smoke.

Couch Lock

When you are to high to get off the couch. A common side effect reported of cannabis Indica.


Marijuana that doesn't hit you right away, but slowly creeps up on you over time getting you high.

Cross (genetics)

A cross is when two different types of plants are bred to create another type of plant. This is common in marijuana cultivation to produce new types of strains.


One of the most important steps in marijuana cultivation. Curing is the process of drying out marijuana slowly after harvest. This is usually done in glass jars over a few weeks time. The slower the cure the higher the potency and better the taste.


Dabbing refers to smoking BHO or other concentrates. This is achieved by heating a nail with a blow torch and dabbing the cannabis concentrate onto it. Dabbing is not considered vaporizing, as combustion is involved. This is evident by the char marks on the nail.


A popular marijuana term to describe really high grade marijuana. Hence the website name Top Dank.


In BHO production dewaxing is the process of removing plant waxes from the finished product. This generally, but not always, creates a shatter of a higher potency.


A dispensary is a place where legal medical marijuana patients can purchase cannabis. They are usually walk-in, but many dispensaries now a days deliver. It is not uncommon for dispensaries to have security guards in front, as they are mainly cash businesses. Medical dispensaries usually have a verification process before you can purchase medical marijuana.


Slang word for a joint.

Down Stem

The female part of a bong that the bowl piece slides into.

Drip System

A drip system is used when growing hydroponically. This is a system where nutrients drip slowly into the marijuana roots.


A term that is slang for 20 dollars worth of cannabis.

Dugout System

A dugout system AKA one hitter system, is a very small portable smoking instrument about the size of a flat lighter. Dugout systems are popular for people trying to smoke inconspicuously or on the go.


Baked goods such as cookies, brownies, gummy bears, jolly ranchers and drinks that are infused with cannabis oils. Consuming edibles takes longer for the psychoactive components to kick in, as it must be absorbed in the digestive track. Technically any food can be converted into a marijuana edible by infusing it with cannabis oils.


One eighth of an ounce of Marijuana. It is not uncommon for dispensaries to run specials for 4 gram 1/8th's. Yet an actual eighth is one eighth of an ounce or 3.5 grams.


An elbow is slang for 1 pound of Marijuana, this is 16 ounces or 453.59 grams.


The first resulting generation of offspring from a cross of two different parent plant strains.


A generation resulting from the cross of two of the same F1 hybrids.


Feminized plants are strictly female plants. They are bred this way because female plants are more potent, because energy used to create seeds in males is used for trichome production in females. Feminized seeds produce only female plants, which makes it easier for growers because they don't have to sex their plants. Feminized seeds also eliminate the risk of pollinating female plants, in essence producing seeds. Feminized plants are almost exclusively used in medical grade marijuana for their higher potency.

Flowering Time

Flowering time refers to the amount of time it takes for a cannabis plant to fully mature its flowers. This time varies by plant species and growing conditions. Grower's flowering times vary based on their desired outcome. A longer flowering time will create more amber colored trichomes under a magnification. The darkening of trichomes progresses with time and a large percentage of amber trichomes is believed to produce a strong body high. A smaller percentage of amber colored trichomes is believed to produce a cerebral high.


Flowers are the reproductive organ for the cannabis plant. When harvested and dried out flowers are the part of the marijuana plant that you smoke, because flowers produce the highest concentration of cannabinoids on the plant. They are visually stunning and vary in color and size by strain. Flowers are usually covered in resin, tons of crystals known as trichomes and hairs.


A slang term for one gram of Marijuana


Gold describes a type of marijuana that originates from Colombia.

Gravity Bong

Any pipe using water and gravity to force smoke into the lungs.

Hash/Hash Oil

Hash or Hashish is a potent mix of cannabinoids produced by removing trichomes from the plant by means of sieving or filtering. Hash is more potent than flowers, but less potent than BHO.


An heirloom is a cannabis strain that was taken from its native homeland and cultivated in another geographical location.


Hemp, which is illegal in the United States, is the fibrous product that can be produced from male plants. Very low in THC Hemp has been used in a multitude of ways throughout history. It is great for making paper, rope, lotions, beauty supplies and various other products. The first Model T's frame was actually made of Hemp.


A Hookah is a hashish water pipe with four long stems to accommodate four smokers at the same time. A popular hookah smoker is the caterpillar in Alice and Wonderland.


Marijuana that is grown at home.


An old-school term for joint.

Hot box

Smoking marijuana in a closed area, in hopes of having the air saturate with cannabis smoke. This gets the smokers high from the original hit and the second hand smoke.


A Hybrid is a cross of 2 or more different cannabis strains. Hybrids are real common because you can breed for certain traits. If you have a low yielding plant you can cross it with a high yielding plant in hopes of creating bigger yields.


Hydroponics is a system of growing marijuana that does not utilize soil. It is a very common technique for indoor growers where plants receive water and nutrients from the addition of solutions instead of soil. Hydroponic growing allows cultivators to have control over exact nutrient intake. Hydroponic plants tend to have a cleaner taste and sometimes lack the strong flavors of soil grown plants.


Indica or Cannabis indicas are short stocky cannabis plants that originated from the Middle East and Asia. They are bushier in stature and tend to produce more of a sedative, body high. Some popular Indica's are OG Kush and Afghan Kush.


A term that became popular in Northern California meaning marijuana.


The most common term referring to a marijuana cigarette.


Kief is a potent collection of trichomes from the marijuana plant. Kief looks like a bunch of pollen collected from the marijuana plant. It is actually a bunch of cannabinoids in concentrated amounts. Kief is usually packed on top of bowls to increase the potency of the flowers you are smoking.


Slang word for highly potent marijuana.


Kilo measures 2.2 pounds of Cannabis. This amount is illegal for one person to have in the United States.

Kind Bud

Kind Bud is a slang term for good pot.


Kush plants are cannabis that originated from the Hindu Kush mountains in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Kush strains are indica dominant and very potent. Their taste is usually quite satisfactory, a huge reason for their massive popularity. The smell is citrusy, piney and distinctly wonderful.


Describes when marijuana is mixed with another street drug like cocaine or meth.


A landrace variety of cannabis is a strain that has adapted to thrive in the environment of its current geographic location. Landrace strains commonly have their location in their name. Example: Afghan Kush


Slang term created by rappers for good marijuana.


Marijuana is the most commonly used term worldwide to describe female cannabis plants.

Mary Jane

Another slang word for marijuana.

Midnight toker

A person who smokes marijuana before they go to bed or in the midnight hours.


A common side effect of marijuana where the user becomes very hungry.


A usually titanium nail used when dabbing to collect wax and press it against the heat source.


A popular organization that fights for the rights of cannabis smokers.


The primary, secondary and trace elements that are required for plant growth.


Means Ocean Grown or Original Gangster is a common name used for Marijuana Strains. Example: Skywalker OG, Mercury OG and OG Kush.

One Hitter Quitter

A cannabis strain that is so potent it only takes one hit to get you high enough to stop smoking.


P1 refers to the original parental genetics used to develop F1 hybrids.


A phenotype describes the general physical characteristics of a plant. This can include color, leaf configuration, height and a multitude of other characteristics that can be used to establish a plants health.


A tool for smoking Marijuana.


Pistils are the female part of a cannabis plant. They appear as little hairs on the flowers, that are a whitish color early in flowering and turn to a red or dark orange color as the plant matures. Pistils are a great indication for a plants readiness to harvest. When a female plant is going to be fertilized by a male plant her pistils collect male pollen.


Pot is a slang term for marijuana.


A pothead is a person who smokes marijuana all the time. Usually used in a derogatory manner to describe a marijuana smoker. Example: "Potheads are really lazy and always hungry."


A Pre-roll is a joint rolled by the dispensary not yourself. Dispensaries commonly give away pre-rolls to first time patients and as a gift with purchase. Pre-rolls are also sold pretty cheap at dispensaries and are great if you don't feel like buying a large amount of marijuana.


Slang for a quarter pound of marijuana, which is 113.39 grams or 4 ounces.

Quad or Quarter

Measures 1/4 ounce or 7 grams.


QWISO is an acronym meaning Quick Wash Isopropyl. This is a technique used to extract oil from mixed leaf for topicals and buds or trim for vaporization.


Ruderalis is an autoflowering cannabis variety. It is often rich in CBD's which are great for treating various ailments. The Ruderalis is a very hardy plant and not commonly grown.


A slang word for a bag of marijuana


Sativa or cannabis sativa plants originated from South America, Africa, Thailand and the Caribbean. Sativa plants grow much taller than Indica plants. Sativa's also have skinnier leaves and take longer to flower. Sativas create very cerebral and energetic highs and are great for a daytime smoke.


Cannabis of very low quality. Example: That was some schwag weed we smoked, I didn't even get high.


Shatter or ice are terms used to refer to Butane Hash Oil when processed in slightly different ways to make them not so waxy.

Shot Gun

Shot Gun is a term used to describe when someone takes a hit off a joint or blunt and blows the smoke into someone else's mouth.


A term used to describe seedless marijuana.


A small pipe that you can easily fit in your hand, that allows you to smoke wherever you go. Sneak-A-Tokes are sometimes concealed as everyday items like cigarettes, highlighters or flashlights.


A slang term used to describe someone high off marijuana. Example: "I smoked 2 joints and got really stoned."


A strain is a specific variety of a cannabis plant species. Different strains are developed by growers almost as their brand name. Strain names are often very creative (Alaskan Thunderfuck) or indicate their country of origin (Afghan Kush). Strain names are highly subjective as OG Kush from one dispensary may look nothing like OG Kush from another dispensary. It is not uncommon for someone to call a strain something it is not to get a higher selling price.


Refers to Swisher Sweet cigars that are commonly gutted of tobacco, filled with marijuana and smoked as a blunt.


THC also known as delta-9-tetracannabinol is the most prevalent psychoactive cannabinoid in marijuana. THC is the main cannabinoid that gets you high when smoking cannabis. It was first isolated in 1964 and has been used for various medical and recreation reasons since. There is no LD50 for THC as there is no lethal dose in its natural form.


A tincture is a cannabis extract made with alcohol or glycerol that is in liquid form. Many medical marijuana patients use tinctures in a dropper. They drop the liquid on their tongue for quick absorption or add it to a drink for a more delayed effect. Tinctures are popular because they can be flavored and don't smell. This allows a person to medicate rather discretely if necessary.


One who smokes Marijuana.


Cannabis extracts can be added to a lotion or creme that is applied to the skin called a topical. Most commonly used for achey muscles and soreness topicals can be added to the desired area of the body and absorbed through the skin.


Trichomes are the resin glands produced by the cannabis plant. When looked at under a microscope they look like hair like growths with a ball at the end of them. These Trichomes are home to all the most popular cannabinoids in the plant including THC and CBD.


A marijuana strain that makes you alert and ready to take on the day, usually sativas.


A vaporizer is a device used to efficiently consume marijuana. It does this without most of the hazardous byproducts involved in combustion. A vaporizer has a heat source that gets the temperature to a level that vaporizes cannabinoids, but not the flower material. This gives the smoker a clean tasting, highly potent hit that does not have butane from lighters. Vaporizers have become hugely popular in the last few years due to their reduced size and increased safety.

Vegetative Stage

The stage in the Cannabis growth cycle before flowering where it is growing in height.

Water Pipe

A device used for smoking marijuana that filters the smoke through water before it is inhaled.


Wax is another name for BHO.


Weed is the most commonly used slang term for marijuana.

White Widow

A popular Indica dominant marijuana strain.


Process of removing unwanted plant waxes and lipids extracted by the butane in BHO. This produces smoother dabs and higher potency concentrate. It is also believed to be a cleaner product for the lungs.

Z or Zip

Slang for an ounce of Marijuana.