The funniest dope-related stand-up routines

in #marijuana8 years ago (edited)

I've loved live comedy for as long as I can remember, and I've seen hundreds of great stand-up routines about weed. But some comics don't just stand-up, they stand-out... Here's my countdown of my five favourites:

5 -Chris Rock - your drugs vs their drugs

Any weed smoker has had this conversation with the crimson-eyed friends, but Chris Rock articulates the sentiment so perfectly, I had to include this video in the list.

4 - Kat Williams - Life is short, enjoy that shit!

I love this routine because of his description of dealers... he nails it!

3 - Louis CK on paranoia

Everyone else on the list's routines sing the praises of weed, but Louis CK nails the only real downside of the drug... the dreaded paranoia! Every smoker's smoked a joint in the wrong situation and immediately regretted it. Louis' style is perfect for this routine and it never fails to make me laugh out loud.

2 - Kenny Sebastian - Why I don't smoke weed but love stoners

Not nearly as well known as the other comics on this list, but from the first time I saw this routine, I knew I'd be sharing it with my friends for years. The sound quality isn't great, but the set is brilliant and makes it worth putting up with.

1 - Bill Hicks - Shut up and smoke that, it's the law!

For me there can't be anyone in the top spot but Bill Hicks, maybe because it was the first routine about weed I ever saw (I was actually introduced to him by the wonderful film Human Traffic), but more likely because he uses the immortal line which cracks me up and sums up many people's experiences with the drug: "didn't murder anybody, didn't rob anybody, didn't rape anybody, didn't beat anybody, didn't lose one fucking job, laughed my ass off, and went about my day". His advocacy of mandatory marijuana in this routine is genius too! (Please note- the video quality is much better than the still below seems to suggest)

So that's my list,

I missed some great ones... for example Doug Stanhope and George Carlin both have great routines about weed, but for me these 5 are the best! I'd love to hear what my fellow Steemer's ** think of my picks, and what your top 5 are.

** Steemers? Steemites? Steemtrains?! What the hell are we calling ourselves anyway?
