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RE: The Perpetual Stoner is Back - Desktop Vaporizer Review - Xhale Evo vs. Volcano Part 1 of 2

in #marijuana8 years ago (edited)

A friend who went to a college nearby to mine had the original Volcano almost 20 years ago. They (he and roommates) loved it, but I remember a few times where they had to replace a bag and it was a bit of a ludicrous, two-person job to seat and seal it just right.

It looks like the unit you chose , in addition to the other benefits you mentioned, completely eliminates that aspect to the process, which was their #1 complaint - either drastically overpay for branded bags, or annoyingly seat your own. I also remember that crappy plastic grinder they had that came with it, but my brain seems to think it was orange back then.

Enjoyed this blast from the past, thanks.