Cannabis Cookies Recipe (21+)
Hello fellow Steemit stoners!
I'm here today to give you all my favorite edible recipe. I love this recipe because it's super easy to use and it doesn't take nearly as much cannabis as cannabutter usually takes.

Here are the ingredients that you'll need:
~ Cannabis (.3g -.6g per cookie)
~ Nutella
~ Cookie dough
Here's the equipment you'll need:
~ Tin foil
~ Herb grinder
~ Small mixing bowl
~ Scale
~ Butter knife
~ Oven/toaster oven
~ Cookie sheet
How to make them:
Step 1 - Grind anywhere from .3 - .6 of a gram per cookie you want to make
Step 2 - Place the ground up herb in some tin foil and seal the edges and preheat the oven to 275°F
Step 3 - Put the tin foil in the preheated oven for 15 minutes. This is called "de-carbing" the herb
Step 4 - When you de-carb cannabis, it'll lose a little of its weight. Weigh out what you've de-carbed and then divide that by the number of cookies you want. Weigh out that amount for each cookie.
Step 5 - Roll a ball of cookie dough about the size of a quarter. Then flatten the dough as much as you can.
Step 6 - Weigh out enough de-carbed cannabis for one cookie and place it in a small mixing bowl. Mix in a small scoop of Nutella, then spread it on the flattened cookie dough.
Step 7 - Shape the dough into a ball and place it on the cookie sheet.
Step 8 - Bake the cookies at 310°F for 20-25 minutes
There you have it, the perfect cannabis cookies!
You'll usually start to feel them anywhere from 30 minutes - 2 hours and effects will usually last 3-6 hours depending on your tolerance. Make sure you store them in an air tight container after cooling. If stored correctly, they'll last a couple months before they start to lose their potency.
I'm actually going to try this one day.
Great post , seems like a recipe anybody can learn .
So delicious 🤤, i also did a post like this, if you want check my channel and see my food posts🙏💘
Thank you!
omg that pic made me hungry for cookies! 😂