The Real Reason Marijuana Remains A Schedule 1 Drug - $$$

in #marijuana9 years ago (edited)

For Profit Prisons

It sounds absolutely crazy but there are prisons all across this country that turn a buck on locking people up. The 2 biggest prison corporations raked in 3.3 Billion dollars in 2012 and it is only growing from there. Over 50% of those locked up are there for drug crimes and of that 50% Marijuana offenders make up 28%. Lock'em up boys! Cha-Ching $$$

Drug Fighting Budgets

Marijuana prohibition now costs state and federal governments as much as $20 billion a year. Marijuana fighting organizations like the DEA and it's employees would stand to lose a very large amount of money if marijuana was rescheduled. If theses guys were not shooting you in the back and kicking you to the curb how would they make ends meet?

Big Pharma

And the grand daddy of them all, Big Pharma. This racket rakes in over $700 Billion dollars a year!!! Are they in the business to make medicine or money? Cheap marijuana could replace everything from Advil to Vicodin and also has the power to eliminate cancer cells. In 2013 big pharma spent over $18 million dollars in lobbying against legalizing marijuana. They are not interested in helping people get better they are interested in taking your money.

Please support your local NORML groups anyway you can. These people are fighting to bring you legal marijuana! They are fighting to bring you health and life!



I didn't even know that organization existed. I'm happy that my state has finally decriminalized marijuana. Can't wait for the day it's legalized on a federal level. Even if your States legalized it the federal workers still have a long way to go before they can used it medically/recreationally.

NORML's been fighting for hemp for a long, long time. Bravo, NORML!

But I haven't seen this slogan before: "It's not for everyone, but it's not a crime." Amen!

The crime is kidnapping and caging people for doing something that harms no non-consenting person, or their property. Kidnapping is a capital offense. Hang the narcs.

it is obscene that anyone makes a profit from the drug war. the strangest thing, that i just can't shake, is the idea that i have heard from people i've known who were in prison. they would rather go to private prison. now, if there is a choice, they would not go to prison at all. to be fair, some of these guys probably needed some guidance. when asked, though, if they would choose private over public, the answer is always yes. not to monkey wrench your post,at all, i think profiteering from unjust laws is a one way ticket to tyranny town, but that is the answer i get every time. i'm unsure what to think of it. thanks for the post.