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RE: Market Friday in Maine

in #marektfriday7 years ago (edited)

A very refreshing colorful destination with lots of ice-cream and seafood around just the sort of place i would like to be. Enjoy your vacation be safe and don't forget the sun lotion ....Cheers :)



Oh, this lovely white skin never forgets sunblock. I have been burnt too many times to do that! At this very moment I am laying on a sun deck somewhere in the Caribbean having just left Bermuda and has been enjoying the peaceful existence of vacation.

Ohhhhhhh......this is just not fair rub it in laying on a deckchair... how do you get to go on so many vacations ...what is your :)

I got smart early in life! 😊

Your not only all good looks ...well done my friend enjoy be seeing you at the Bahamas on your next visit...hehe :)