Hello Steemit world!

My name is Diego and this is my first post here, and also my first incursion into the steemit ecosystem. My username might be deceiving, I chose it because I love everything related to cryptocurrencies, but I will not be devoting much attention to that in my posts. By the way, english is not my native language but I am hoping I will be able to share my ideas eloquently.
One of the things that I love most, is asian culture. Be it anime, manga, doramas, asian cinema or music, I immensely enjoy them all. And if I had to pick from all that greatness, probably manga is the thing I love the most. So, I will devote this account to spread these magical and beautiful works of art with whomever is interested. Luckily, manga is nowadays more available than ever before in the western world, and as many of you might know, you are 2 clicks away from millions of freely distributed fansubbed manga. I won't delve into the copyright debate, as I am a firm believer in the fact that the spread of fansubbed manga and anime, is what has created the possibility for all these works of art to be able to land in the western world commercially. Without the interest created by fansubs, manga and anime would no be as widely available as it is. So, please consider buying manga and anime, as it surely deserve a place of honor in your collection and you are supporting a great industry, but don't hesitate to take a look at other works that are not available yet in the western market, online.
I will be sharing my favorite manga, my favorite authors and curated lists, so you can find the must-reads, as well as some hidden gems. I might also venture into the anime realm a little, but not as deep as manga.
As an avid manga reader, I also hope to learn from you guys, I would be very happy to discuss with you and learn what your favorite manga, authors, genres and characters are, get your recommendations, and I will also be accepting requests on topics. So please, feel free to befriend me and let's get this thing going.

Hello! Welcome to Steemit!
Maid-chan is new too. Maybe we should split the work? Maid-chan talks about the animes and you about the mangas!
hi Maid-chan! Very glad to meet you. I will closely follow your anime efforts, like I said, I will probably not go into anime much, manga is my main love! Wish you the best!
That was a fun read! Welcome to Steemit!