Wow! Where do I start from?
I chose papa-pepper as my crush in a heart beat because of soooooo ( repeating the 'o'for emphasis) many things. So let's get right to it.
Why I admire him and why he's my crush.
- He is very loving and a good father and handsome. (with long silky beard that shows he's fun and lively), the beard rocks!
Many men nowadays like to leave their family in the dark when conducting business and work related issues, but not @papa-pepper.
He brings his children in the mix, his lovely wife too. He engages them in what he does, he involves them and makes their ideas and presence valuable, they even have steemit accounts of their own: @little-peppers and @mama-pepper, isn't that great?
He also takes time off to spend with his kids, helps them with things regarding their lives, like the time @red-pepper's hair got stuck with some toys. He took his time to remove every single last bit of toy. How awesome is that.. What a man.. He is a real man.
( short of words here)
- HE is an angel of good tidings. In the sense that whenever you see @papa-pepper's name you know it's something good and joy envelopes you.
He is kind in words ,in deed and in heart.
Generous and thoughtful... He is just sooo kind and caring.. (I'm short of words again).
- He is faithful to all his commitments whether on STEEMIT or the most important of all I. e marriage!
He believes in the one man, one wife system which is awesome and is the best.
Polygamy is not really the best as there will always be secrets and silent jealousy..
So he sticks to the best, normal, simple christain way of marriage; monogamous.
Also in the STEEMIT community ,if he says he will send a package to a particular person, regardless of the obstacles or cost, he will send it a fulfill his promise.
He is funny and full of surprises.. I love a man that can make me laugh and forget my sorrow and papa-pepper is such a person.
He is an awesome photographer(both macro and normal sized photography)
His skills are unmatched. Atimes I feel like I'm watching Natgeo wild television station.
He captures the animal or plant along with it's spirit, so you really experience with the pictures.
*He is hard working and an awesome Blogger with original, creative, and unique contents.
I love this logo..
This is the stone fence he built to secure his house,family and livestock.
So those are some of the few reasons, yes few, why I admire my BELOVETH PAPA-PEPPER and why he's my crush.
He deserves all those words. He's a blessing to me too @papa-pepper. Nice one you got there @Lizbethk
Hummm..... @papa-pepper deserves millions of crush.... He is a blessing to this community...... So he serve more love
Yes ooo
I really admire and love this man too @lizbethk
@papa-pepper got the heart of a real daddy.
I hope he sees this soon!
Thanks for participating in #mancrushmonday, thanks for letting us into your little secret. We appreciate you.
This is awesome.
@lizbethk, no one could capture it more. @Papa-pepper is a great man and deserves this and more..
He's awesome and this is awesome.
I'm a living witness . God bless @Papa-pepper
You said it @sandrazeal11 , only GOD can indeed reward his efforts and family. And I pray GOD will.
Looks like I’ve got some competition for #steemitcrush
You sure do! Lol
@papa-pepper is my #mancrusheveryday. He deserves everything you wrote about him. I pray he stays healthy not only for his immediate family but for his steemit family too. Well-done @lizbethk, you got everything rightly on point. I'm a diehard fan and follower of papa-pepper and hopefully I will be able to express my gratitude for his generosity to the whole public one day. He expounded my love for homesteading, something I don't believe incantation be good at initially but I've been performing well as a result of papa-pepper's tutelage.

Yes papa is the man for all he is a father and a mentor his work, his research and article has always been awesome papa-pepper is the best
He deserves it so kind lovely and carrying father @papa-pepper
Wow.. Such a nice teasing and lovely msg to @papa-pepper. I would really like to get to know him better @papa-pepper