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RE: Binance Moving to Malta - Island Nation Known for Tax Evasion and Money Laundering

in #malta7 years ago

That's not good. The appearance of impropriety is often worse than impropriety. Markets are no exception to this rule.

I would rather it be centered in some humane place, but the humane places seem to be rather strict on how currency functions.

Thanks for highlighting this move. I'll have to keep my eye on it.

Where would be the ideal place for a company like Binance to relocate?

What is Iceland's position on Crypto?


That's a great question but to be completely honest I don't know which country strikes the right balance in terms of policy and regulations. I'd like to know the answer myself. It's probably too early to tell as most countries are trying to figure out how to handle the arrival of cryptos and blockchain tech. Maybe a big reason why the Maltese are jumping at the chance to get out ahead of the pack in an attempt to attract new industry and more investment in their economy.

Is there any effective or desirable policy other than hands off at this point in time?

I was impressed by Iceland in 2008 and with the Domestic Surveillance shit shortly thereafter. They seemed like a real straight shooting polity on the issues of the day. Banksters went down there. Yay!

I heard some alternate realities on Iceland's public policy, and they were not all muffins and cotton candy as it sounded from the pro-human blogosphere at the time.

So I have no idea what they're deal is, but it seems like they'd be cool with it.