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RE: Binance Moving to Malta - Island Nation Known for Tax Evasion and Money Laundering

in #malta7 years ago

It seems to me that blockchain technology can be both hyper anonymized and hyper transparent and I honestly haven't figured out which is its greater strength. Which makes this situation in Malta both puzzling and fascinating to me.


Yes, it's hard to know what to think about the move to Malta. In a way I feel like I'm raining on people's parade, especially since the markets have been in a slump lately. But, I've been examining Malta for quite some time now and thought I should point out the endemic corruption in that country.

I'm having real trouble with this transparent/private dichotomy.

I'm far more OK with my interactions online being public than I am having them sucked up, warehoused in some yuge data silo, and experimented on. I'm thorny and loud when it comes to politics and I had a very successful guerrilla piece on Social Security that was picked up as a PR front by DFA, AARP, and some large unions. Shuttered up the Privatization of Social Security Scam on the strength of a blog post. Score 1 for the little guy. I don't want shit hanging out in the shadows to be dropped on unsuspecting citizens for social control.

My point is that I'd rather have all that shit out in public; my uncomfy Leftist commentary has and will cost me business. It's kind of how I'm rolling right now. k9disc... that's me pretty much everywhere.

Anyway... great point about the transparency/privacy thing. I'm struggling with it. I'm also having a problem with the split between the libertarian and monetarists concept of currency, value, and markets.

I'm a strong proponent of regulated markets. But it's kind of like the private/transparent thing. I want privacy, but I'll take transparency and public access in lieu of corporate exploitation and profiteering. I want well regulated markets, and a well regulated economy, but I'll take a non-rigged economy over what we've got now any day.
