SLC-S21W2 | Learn how to apply makeup correctly on your skin

in #makeup-s21w24 months ago

Hello, my wonderful friends; how are you all doing? I welcome you guys to my blog, and I am so happy to participate in this learning challenge.


I have also learned a lot through this teaching, and at the same time I want to thank @almacaridad for this amazing engagement,.

Did you know that there are so many shades of concealer for the skin? In addition to those mentioned, what other shades exist and what use is given to each of them.


Concealer is a foundation, but just that is a bit more thinker than the foundation that is used to hide dark spots, blemish and it makes a face look good.

There are so many shades of concealer for the skin, depending on the kind of skin that you have.

Yellow concealer: is used to remove red areas of the skin such as those that have been caused by pimples and boil.

Purple Concealer; is used to brighten up the face

Peach concealer: if you are fair in complexion then use peach concealer for sallowness.

Green concealer helps to prevent redness, especially on fair skin.

Did you have all the necessary products to carry out this practice or did you have to buy new ones or settle for others that had a similar function? 01 point.


I love makeup very well, so I have almost all the products that I need for my makeup.

These are some of the products that I used


-Brushes ( set of brushes)

-Face wipes
-Face cleanser

-Lips stick and lipgloss

-Then my foundation

They say that the quality of the makeup makes a noticeable difference in the results obtained when comparing makeup in which replicas or cheap products have been used and another in which original products have been used; what is your opinion?

Indeed, when dealing with makeup in one way or the other, you may have come across fake or cheap products that, when used, had some effect, and when you come across the original, you see a clear difference between them. My case is no different.


When I started makeup newly, the makeup kits I bought were carrying inferior items, and when used, I discovered it was affecting my face. When I complained to a friend and she told me to bring the kit for her to see, I took it to her, and then she told me that those were fake makeup tools and that more original ones didn't have an effect on my skin.

I discarded it because I couldn't give it to another seeing the reaction it had on my skin. I later bought another, which is the original kit, and that is what I have used here in these practicals today. As you can see, the makeup doesn't have any side effects on my face, and this shows that it is original, and the usual reaction I was having, I don't have it anymore.

So, in my opinion, the use of original makeup kits is far better than the use of fake or cheap tools as the original doesn't have side effects on the skin, whereas the cheap or local does have a side effect.

For this answer you must show us your skin makeup step by step in the way you like and tell us about your experience in this first practical class; also, add a sign with your username and date on at least one selfie with your final result.

Step 1


The first thing that I did was to clean my face with face wipes and face cleanser because I have an oil face.

Step 2

I applied the foundation on my face.


Step 3

I applied my powder, knowing the type of skin I have, I used color 3 for my power, and it matches my face very well.


Step 4

I used brush to brush the powder so it would be ok on my face


Step 5

I applied my lips stick and lipgloss on my lips.


I enjoyed this practical because it made me learn how to make myself up without calling any makeup artist.


This was my best experience so far. And I love the outcome very much.


The make-up was looking good on me so I went to my uncle's wedding with it. Finally I want to invite @ruthjoe, @okere-blessing and @dave-hanny to also join the contest.


You are indeed a good student you have followed all the instructions and your makeup is good on you. Thanks for inviting me I have already participated. See you again this week.
