RE: Building the "Fountain of Youth" - Electrical Modifications
Oh no. I haven't reached it yet. In truth I am approaching the doorway of 48 but I have become quite focussed on 50 recently. Not in the way that people often view milestones of this nature but rather in an empowering, liberating light. I recently outlined most of the aspects of my life that bring me pain, self deprecating feelings or those I do not bring me value.
I then looked at what brings me joy, happiness, contentment and fulfillment and am trying to formulate a strategy that focuses on the benefits I want, while eradicating the habits, feelings and practices I do not.
I have condensed this approach in to a solitary aim, to work hard on myself, my qualities and my life to ensure that at 50 I am far better than I was at 40 in as many areas as I possibly can. I have a decent time-frame to achieve this which should remove the need for instant gratification activities and lead to a far more solid approach to self-improvement and aiding in the betterment of others in any way that I can.
I wish you well in all the areas that really matter Duncan and hope you and yours flourish as lock-down begins to ease and normal life and normal opportunities begin to re-surface again. 😎