Make Noise Week 143: Weekly Engagement Report.

in #makenoise27 days ago

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Welcome to another week of Make Noise project, an idea that seeks to reward the interaction of people within the Steem blockchain. The dynamic is simple, each comment you make will add a point and each post 2 points, the one who gets the most points at the end of the week will win.

This week we had to make a server change so the monitoring of the publications and comments was inactive for a period of time so the statistics may be incomplete.

The ranking can be observed at any time through and the statistics will be refreshed manually between 10:00 on Sunday and 4:00 on Monday UTC time.

The most Engaged users in the last week

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#UserPost countComment countSummary
1@ pennsif2195199 Pts.
2@ rubina2038162178 Pts.
3@ wakeupkitty7124138 Pts.
4@ cranium8108124 Pts.
5@ paholags697109 Pts.
6@ elpastor990108 Pts.
7@ rosselena1085105 Pts.
8@ sabrip889105 Pts.
9@ zulay7059984102 Pts.
10@ fantvwiki787101 Pts.
11@ damithudaya107494 Pts.
12@ napito77892 Pts.
13@ walictd126791 Pts.
14@ sariana2387389 Pts.
15@ pandora201097189 Pts.
16@ alexanderpeace106585 Pts.
17@ aneukpineung7847280 Pts.
18@ fannyescobar154777 Pts.
19@ diodao95775 Pts.
20@ cruzamilcar6385874 Pts.
21@ blessedlife95674 Pts.
22@ chriddi17274 Pts.
23@ karianaporras46472 Pts.
24@ sampabiswas75670 Pts.
25@ solperez114769 Pts.
26@ ahsansharif85369 Pts.
27@ franyeligonzalez114769 Pts.
28@ ikwal30767 Pts.
29@ sur-riti114567 Pts.
30@ vivigibelis104767 Pts.
31@ muzack194866 Pts.
32@ hive-17143326165 Pts.
33@ nobilisa65365 Pts.
34@ talkit30363 Pts.
35@ shiftitamanna55363 Pts.
36@ suryati1104161 Pts.
37@ mile1684561 Pts.
38@ zisha-hafiz104161 Pts.
39@ wakeupkitty.pal55161 Pts.
40@ imranhassan94159 Pts.
41@ haidee54959 Pts.
42@ muhammad-ahmad64658 Pts.
43@ m-fdo74458 Pts.
44@ senehasa84157 Pts.
45@ hafsasaadat90123155 Pts.
46@ nishadi8964355 Pts.
47@ max-pro162254 Pts.
48@ eglis103454 Pts.
49@ willeusz83753 Pts.
50@ adeljose83753 Pts.

The most engaged categories in the last week

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#UserPost countComment countSummary
1AVLE 일상656261338 Pts.
2Comunidad Latina2606671187 Pts.
3WORLD OF XPILAR251371873 Pts.
4Steem Venezuela166483815 Pts.
5Incredible India141524806 Pts.
6steemhunt3502702 Pts.
7Ukraine on Steem124442690 Pts.
8kr31133655 Pts.
9Actifit3032608 Pts.
10Hindwhale Community150272572 Pts.
11Steem SEA196173565 Pts.
12Steem For Pakistan150255555 Pts.
13CCS22775529 Pts.
14Steem For Bangladesh157207521 Pts.
15Italy147164458 Pts.
16Steem For Ladies98248444 Pts.
17Colombia-Original93254440 Pts.
18Steemit Iron Chef90253433 Pts.
19Steem Fashion&Style116180412 Pts.
20Venezolanos Steem57288402 Pts.
21Steem4Nigeria101185387 Pts.
22Hot News Community106141353 Pts.
24crystal15914332 Pts.
25DrugWars1603323 Pts.
26Scouts y sus Amigos65182312 Pts.
28photography1383279 Pts.
29Freewriters45175265 Pts.
30Healthy Steem8788262 Pts.
31travel1149237 Pts.
32Steem Kids & Parents6699231 Pts.
33Steem of Animals7366212 Pts.
34krsuccess951191 Pts.
35blog902182 Pts.
36steemit8112174 Pts.
37Traveling Steem5463171 Pts.
38Shine with Steem3697169 Pts.
39Steem Cameroon7023163 Pts.
40zzan787163 Pts.
41life795163 Pts.
43Reflexiones de Vida3488156 Pts.
44steem-atlas3779153 Pts.
45NO Community2146150 Pts.
46The World of Sports8132148 Pts.
47healthycooking-s23w12494142 Pts.
48Project HOPE6216140 Pts.
49PIRCOIN · 해적 코인666138 Pts.
50slctextileclub-s23w119100138 Pts.

The point system is based on: post = 2 points, comment = 1 point

Top 10 users

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@rubina203Better Life With Steem // The Diary game // 23 February 2025 //
@craniumResults AI Art Contest "Unreal football" (Нереальний футбол)
@elpastorDomingo de Escritura// Poema: Mi agradecimiento a Dios por ti.
@rosselenaConcurso de Arte y Escritura #133 El jardín de los recuerdos
@sabripThe Diary Game 21/02/2025 // Consulta médica, ropita nueva para mi bebe, vino mi papa y mi hermano.
@zulay7059The Diary Game // Domingo de ir a la iglesia y luego hacer algunas compras 🛒 // 23/02/2025
@damithudayaICC Champions Trophy Fantasy Contest - V (India vs. Pakistan ) - Play, Predict & Win (150+ Steem)!
@napitoConcurso: Doctor corazón
@walictdThe Diarygame February 20, 2025 : Still continuing yesterday's activities
@sariana23Mi historia detrás de la frase


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Rules are necessary to regulate the winner selection, and we will be adding a few of them with the time, from now we will only add the this:

  • Users or communities cannot win two times in a row.
  • Users should have to post at least 5 times in the week.
  • The posts should be of quality, something better that images with few text. (We recommend 250-300 words and 3 pictures)
  • Steem Representatives are not elegible for prizes.
  • The communities eligible for prizes WILL ONLY be those that have an active community account, that is, the prize will be awarded to the community. Under no circumstances will we reward a moderator or common user for the performance of a community.

We reserve the right to blacklist spamming accounts.


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  • TOP users will receive booming vote.
  • We invite the users to support top communities as we don't have a prize yet.


We are well aware that several users are constantly trying to abuse the system in order to get additional support, for this reason We will be randomly reviewing the quality of the comments that different authors are making (especially the authors selected to receive booming support). If we find negative patterns, we will make the relevant recommendations. Multiple faults will incur a permanent inclusion in the blacklist of the initiative.

cc @steemcurator01


We are the hope!


Thank you for adding my post to the list. It was a great contest and this image of men playing football "like women" is the cherry on the cake of this contest

Muchas gracias.por la mención, aprovecho de felicitar a mis compañeros steemians.

Saludos y éxitos.

Ooo wow! It's wonderful to be in the top for the first time. Thanks boss!

Feliz y bendecido día amigo @alejos7ven, un placer saludarte. Gracias por el apoyo y por la selección de mi trabajo. Un abrazo 🤗. Igualmente felicidades a los demás seleccionados 🥳 🥳. Muchas bendiciones.

Hola amigos @gracias por la selección y apoyo, igualmente para todos los seleccionados.


Thank you, friend alejos7ven, for mentioning me in the “Make Noise Week 143: Weekly Engagement Report.”, which I consider very important, since through it we can visualize our performance on the Steemit platform and continue improving every day in the interaction with other users.

Happy afternoon.