Make Noise Week 137: Weekly Engagement Report.

in #makenoise2 months ago

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Welcome to another week of Make Noise project, an idea that seeks to reward the interaction of people within the Steem blockchain. The dynamic is simple, each comment you make will add a point and each post 2 points, the one who gets the most points at the end of the week will win.

The problem with our server seems to have been solved, we hope to continue offering the greatest possible precision as usual.

The ranking can be observed at any time through and the statistics will be refreshed manually between 10:00 on Sunday and 4:00 on Monday UTC time.

The most Engaged users in the last week

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#UserPost countComment countSummary
1@ paholags8149165 Pts.
2@ sabrip12139163 Pts.
3@ fjjrg14129157 Pts.
4@ rosselena11127149 Pts.
5@ rubina2038130146 Pts.
6@ sariana239127145 Pts.
7@ diodao10122142 Pts.
8@ zulay70599118136 Pts.
9@ napito8118134 Pts.
10@ simonisai1513103129 Pts.
11@ adese1296120 Pts.
12@ cranium9100118 Pts.
13@ golden-rain796110 Pts.
14@ lirvic1383109 Pts.
15@ santamorillo693105 Pts.
16@ the-gorilla1101103 Pts.
17@ fannyescobar1474102 Pts.
18@ pandora201097997 Pts.
19@ muzack1107696 Pts.
20@ wakeupkitty48492 Pts.
21@ blessedlife97391 Pts.
22@ fantvwiki87389 Pts.
23@ yenny4796886 Pts.
24@ cicisaja47482 Pts.
25@ mile16106080 Pts.
26@ zisha-hafiz204080 Pts.
27@ rosmarycar9166779 Pts.
28@ wakeupkitty.pal56979 Pts.
29@ mdsuhagmia86278 Pts.
30@ midiagam38177 Pts.
31@ adriancabrera144674 Pts.
32@ sampabiswas85874 Pts.
33@ nishadi8985773 Pts.
34@ tanay12366173 Pts.
35@ hafsasaadat90144371 Pts.
36@ crismenia95371 Pts.
37@ anasuleidy95371 Pts.
38@ khursheedanwar114668 Pts.
39@ afrinn163668 Pts.
40@ ikwal32367 Pts.
41@ soywilfredg55666 Pts.
42@ nahela114466 Pts.
43@ mostofajaman55464 Pts.
44@ yulexys2184763 Pts.
45@ cruzamilcar6384662 Pts.
46@ isha.ish74862 Pts.
47@ mvchacin143462 Pts.
48@ enamul1735561 Pts.
49@ marianaceleste25660 Pts.
50@ elider1135460 Pts.

The most engaged categories in the last week

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#UserPost countComment countSummary
1Comunidad Latina3409621642 Pts.
2TipTag75891525 Pts.
3Steem Venezuela2297081166 Pts.
4Incredible India1966731065 Pts.
5WORLD OF XPILAR264382910 Pts.
6Steemit Iron Chef141586868 Pts.
7steemhunt4021805 Pts.
8Ukraine on Steem150489789 Pts.
9CCS324105753 Pts.
10Colombia-Original149451749 Pts.
11Scouts y sus Amigos117451685 Pts.
12kr30018618 Pts.
13Hindwhale Community173265611 Pts.
14Steem SEA25698610 Pts.
16Italy161252574 Pts.
17Steem For Pakistan179193551 Pts.
18Steem For Bangladesh165214544 Pts.
19Steem For Ladies124274522 Pts.
20Steem4Nigeria141225507 Pts.
21Venezolanos Steem74349497 Pts.
22Steem Nations20114416 Pts.
24AVLE 일상16612344 Pts.
25Actifit1641329 Pts.
26Steem Kids & Parents95128318 Pts.
27Steem of Animals100117317 Pts.
28Healthy Steem84130298 Pts.
29steemit14013293 Pts.
30Traveling Steem84113281 Pts.
31Steem Fashion&Style84112280 Pts.
32Hot News Community10271275 Pts.
33krsuccess12015255 Pts.
34Project HOPE8069229 Pts.
35photography1077221 Pts.
36Reflexiones de Vida40121201 Pts.
37blog993201 Pts.
38STEEM CN/中文9112194 Pts.
39Steem Cameroon7639191 Pts.
40zzan839175 Pts.
41NO Community1173175 Pts.
43Freewriters3991169 Pts.
44pastrychefs-s22w418133169 Pts.
45crypto802162 Pts.
46art793161 Pts.
47Teachers & Students3781155 Pts.
48travel723147 Pts.
49steem6317143 Pts.
50APPICS668140 Pts.

The point system is based on: post = 2 points, comment = 1 point

Top 10 users

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@paholags¿Qué me propongo para este 2025?
@sabripThe Diary Game 11/01/2025// Fui a trabajar y no pudimos hacer nada, en la tarde con malestar.
@fjjrgDelfines, Orcas y Ballenas. Al 13 de enero 2025
@rosselenaConcurso de Arte y Escritura #128 Como te extraño mama
@napitoEmociones que nublan la mente.
@simonisai15Está bien pedir ayuda
@adeseContest:- Your's Favorite Jackets Brand In Winter Season
@craniumСпроба пояснити поняття Егрегор - Δ
@golden-rainЯкі корисні ефекти афірмацій я вже отримав у першій половині зими 2025


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Rules are necessary to regulate the winner selection, and we will be adding a few of them with the time, from now we will only add the this:

  • Users or communities cannot win two times in a row.
  • Users should have to post at least 5 times in the week.
  • The posts should be of quality, something better that images with few text. (We recommend 250-300 words and 3 pictures)
  • Steem Representatives are not elegible for prizes.
  • The communities eligible for prizes WILL ONLY be those that have an active community account, that is, the prize will be awarded to the community. Under no circumstances will we reward a moderator or common user for the performance of a community.

We reserve the right to blacklist spamming accounts.


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  • TOP users will receive booming vote.
  • We invite the users to support top communities as we don't have a prize yet.


We are well aware that several users are constantly trying to abuse the system in order to get additional support, for this reason We will be randomly reviewing the quality of the comments that different authors are making (especially the authors selected to receive booming support). If we find negative patterns, we will make the relevant recommendations. Multiple faults will incur a permanent inclusion in the blacklist of the initiative.

cc @steemcurator01


We are the hope!


This post has been upvoted by @italygame witness curation trail

If you like our work and want to support us, please consider to approve our witness


Come and visit Italy Community

I’m glad to be included in your ranking (along with two other friends from Ukraine).
It seems like this is my first time making it onto this list. I will try to be more active in the future to be here more often.
Thank you for your interesting ranking and the s7ventech tool ("Make Noize").


Thank you, it's a pleasure to be in your ranking. Congratulations to everyone on the excellent results.