Ulog #1: Why is make up your life?

in #make-up7 years ago

This is to tell all of you that make up is really our life, especially for girls. People would judge every girl that they see who's wearing make-ups that they are so maarte, so feeling maganda and a lot of hurtful words. Before you judge girls who are wearing make-up please do hear their sides.

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Make-up makes us look beautiful. Make-up makes is our way to build our confidence in this visual world. Make-up is the one that is there for us. In short, it covers the pain, the real emotion that we have inside. Unlike boys, who are very good on how to handle their feelings.

We are fragile, vulnerable, and every time we opened up our feelings you would say you're just overacting. How would we freely express ourselves to you people if we are not yet opening our feelings you would shut us down.

Make-ups are not objects that we put on our face for us look interesting to others, but it's our shield to cover ourselves from this cruel world.