Aceh Province, its special food is Mie Aceh.

in #makanankhas7 years ago


Mie Aceh is a special cooking dish for Aceh.Thick yellow noodles with irisandaging cows, mutton or seafood (shrimp and squid) served in a savory and spicy curry soup. Mie Aceh is available in two types, Mie Aceh Goreng (fried and dried) and Mie Aceh Kuah (soup). Usually ditaburibawang fried and served together, pieces of red onion, cucumber, and lime.


-indonesian food from aceh

the main ingredient:
Noodles, meat (goat or beef) or seafood (shrimp and fish), spices of curry, celery, spring onions, onions

Mie Aceh Goreng (fried and dried) and Mie Aceh Kuah (soup)