Research and promotion.. 2 very different things

It is about listening the Nature, Earth's voice, but not only.

  • When I was just a kid, a very young one, staying awake all those nights magically suspended on the polyphonic wind sound. The old Casino in front of me had maybe 11, maybe 22 air conductors, big mouths, similar to those in the transatlantic ships. Each of those produced a musical not harmonically rich, reflecting the dynamics of nature. That was my master of composition, teaching me so much more that I can possibly tell you ...

Now... I study those dynamics using data and believing that Nature's connection may enhance human conscience and general wellness.

I would love to explain clearly, better, and in a very simple way what, why and how am I doing this.
Happy with the result of a recent interview on the Taiwanese TV I present you the link for a first approach. - it is a Youtube link, I'm sorry, but you will know how to deal with it, and hopefully, me here... would love to read your comments there.
