MSNBC Says 9/11 Truth is a Lie

in #maga6 years ago (edited)


You can't build a Lego tower, or even a house of cards, that would do that - much less so the Twin Towers, which were constructed specifically to redistribute the load shifts of an airliner strike - if any building on Earth would have fallen according to the prescribed physics of this scenario, it should have been WTC1 and WTC2!

The NIST report is not even considered science, because it was unable to pass peer review. The NIST 9/11 report was withdrawn from its peer review process under scrutiny - making the NIST report not science! The NIST report could not be made into science because of the paragraph above and a thousand other issues.

The NIST scientific assumptions are not the same assumptions that engineers have used for the last century - they made up assumptions and tried to call it science - assumptions as simple as the well documented expansion rates under heat of concrete and steel - were manipulated so poorly that the northern half of America would collapse every single winter into a pile of rubble if concrete and steel expansion rates used by NIST were true - NIST is a thoroughly political report, unable to pass peer review, and thus, not science. The entire thing is actually anti science - it is one of the basis for the 9/11 Truth Movement!

There is no airplane in that hole in Shanksville - that is a cruise missle hole in the middle of a gash that we are told are wing marks but which are documented as early as 1994 as being mining scars in USGS imagery available on Google Earth - the Shanksville wing gashes were documented by the USGS in 1994 - Either the plane turned just right to match up, or that is a cruise missile hole in the middle of a mining scar - what a coinkidink!

Here is a description of an AGM cruise missle being what exploded in Shanksville by resident and FBI interviewed eye witness - she doesn't even realize that the crazy sounding airplane she is describing flying lower thean the power lines, so low that she ducked in her minivan thinking it would hit Her - is a cruise missile - until they show her the picture! Watch this eye witness cry as she realizes the meaning of what she saw that day, on tape :

The engine produced at Shanksville as evidence is not even from a Boeing, and is obviously just a junk yard engine, with no mud on it despite being buried for months in a pond, the engine is not even from a passenger plane, and was clearly buried, as anyone with eyes can see, by the very same small backhoe that dug it up! The engine fits in that tiny backhoe bucket perfectly, unlike a Boeing engine - all as MSNBC STYLE PROPAGANDA for our ENDLESS WAR!

That is obviously not a Boeing at the Pentagon, those are parts of a Global Hawk drone. Prior to the Pentagon collapse, the Pentagon hole was just 16 feet wide. You cannot possibly fit a passenger airliner through that pre-collapse Pentagon hole without leaving most of it, or even some of it, but certainly not none of it, on the Pentagon lawn.

If there was so much as a scratch on the Pentagon where the engines should be, I might reconsider, but the offical story is that the weakest part of an airliner, the aluminum fuselage where the passengers and luggage but no steel are, penetrated 5 wings of the Pentagon, but the spot where two 12 ton engines moving at 600 miles an hour should be, bigger than a diesel 18 wheeler, did not leave a scratch - if this basic rebuttal was full of standard Lolz and not Primorial Rage I would die of stomach cramps right now.

The entire "Pentagon Boeing" was picked up from the Pentagon lawn by hand, no crane or anything needed, without so much as a grid or documentation of where what part was found - the FBI just put the Pentagon Boeing into a standard green dumpster by hand! No crash site in the history of the FAA has been treated as carelessly as these, the most important crash sites in FAA history, were treated - You can watch it on the tubes - I saw it at the time.

All of the Eastern seaboard was left protected by just 4 fighter jets on 9/11, 4, due to "exercises" that 30 year veterans say they have never seen anything like. Fighters that were scrambled to stop the Pentagon attakc were turned out to sea - as visible on publicly available transponder data.

Try reading, or even watching, the productions of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth and Loose Change.

#911Truth is completely unaddressed by the media - THIS IS WHY WE HATE YOU SO MUCH !!!

Ya'll did not expect the Internet to catch your lie, we got the Internet, The Mockingbird Media got your Endless Wars - we will see who wins. #FreeAlexJones