9/11 - WHY?

in #maga4 years ago

This Is My World View Of The Entire Truth Movement - A Theory:

Look around you - the ubiquitous surveillance state alone is worth 100 9/11's to a tyrant. Trillions of dollars changed hands. America is at war for 93% of our history, but had no major wars since Vietnam - we were over due. Oil and Heroin.

There are many temporal reasons for 9/11.

More important, the core of 9/11 is Biblical.

The powers that rule us are making a one world government, with no money, no religion, no borders, no private property and a mark to trade - as predicted in Revelation.

When the signs of Revelation are complete, the god of the occult will come to sit on the global dictator's throne that has been constructed, with the seat of the throne being Zeus' throne, which is Ba'al's throne, the literal throne of Satan, retrieved from the mount of Zeus in Rome and reconstructed in Germany by Hitler during WWII to be the seat of the ruler of the one world government, a throne fit for an emperor which Hitler never sat in, a throne for the Antichrist.

We are watching the ancient rituals of blood and fire, of blood sacrifice to the sun god known to Christians as Lucifer, to the winged serpent known to every people of the world by an ancient name, as this ancient religion of the occult battles with the water of Christ which freed humanity from the obligations of blood sacrifice and made the whole of the law to "Love your neighbor as thyself".

That Judeo-Christian tradition, which freed humanity from ritualistic worship of the god of blood and fire, is carried through the Holy Roman Empire into Britain and as defended by The United States of America - the only wars we fight are to free people from dictators.

What is being done at CERN is representative of our place in the Universe and our attempts to understand what is in the rest of this loaf of universes. CERN is an inter-dimensional drill, using high gravity to create a portal in space time, a ultra high energy worm hole into another dimension, into the spiritual realm where the hoards of satan lie.

No man can know this, how to open a gate to hell - men on Earth are being demonically inspired to create great works of occultism - like a drill to another dimension, which is predicted scientifically by modern accepted String Theory physics, and even traditional Einstein predictions of gravity yielding a worm hole - only Einstein thought of the hole as pertaining to this dimension, whereas string theory views this dimension as almost flat 2d and to create a portal is to drill into the next dimension.

I know, at this point I am losing you - gates of hell, interdimensional drilling, this is the far tip of what is accepted, but it is religiously and scientifically valid theory to say a high gravity worm hole, as produced by CERN, would open a new dimension, where things we know as demons, creatures that operate outside of our constructs of time at least, reside.
A picture is worth a million words.


This is the Hall where the pope speaks to the church leaders - notice the hall resembled the face, fangs and eyes of a serpent. Now look at the seat of the pope - that horrendous thing is the hoards of hell spewing forth from the literal gates of hell, that gate is opened via this inter dimensional drilling - one day it will be combined with the ancient runes of Zeus' Rome and they will have their portal to hell. Notice how the face of Christ morphs in the face of the demon of old, the the dragon.

This is the religion of the occult - the religion of blood sacrifice and fire to the sun god, the ancient winged serpent, the god of fire, the morning star, Lucifer.

Marxism is the operating system of the occult - the tenets of Marxism create the tyranny needed to impose by force the conditions needed to bring about the return of the Antichrist - as desired by the occult, to seat their god and worship him.

Capitalism is the operating system of Christianity - the tenets of Capitalism allow the freedom and innovation required to outgrow the constraints required to induce labor from the masses. Capitalism will allow bring about the innovation to feed the world - as it already has - to create world peace, house the world, give a good life to all people, the innovation to outgrow human scarcity would come from capitalism and the same conditions that outgrow scarcity will also bring about the conditions of Revelation, but with one world religion worshipping the one true God as we escape the confines of Earth and explore God creation. In this case of peak capitalism the prophesy of Revelation, on which I am no scholar, seems imminently likely to fulfill, that Satan rules the world for a few years then Christ comes and establishes his kingdom.

These paths, Marxism and Capitalism represent who humanity will kneel to and serve. Under Marxism satan seeks to usurp the power of God, creating the conditions where humans will never rise from their enslavement and will worship him.

Under Capitalism, we who are have not lived the good life but do not fall with the occult are left here to survive on Earth through the tribulation and the rule of satan, but then Christ again frees us all in his mercy and establishes a post scarcity world here on Earth, free of the occultists who ruin everything, who died their final death in the great battle between the principalities. Those who made it through this grand life unblemished are raptured and get to see the multiverse, the other dimensions, they essentially become angels to watch all the millions of versions of this marvelous little thing we are in and can go interact with any of the infinite versions of the universe, all created by the hand of the Creator and at different stages.

There is no book that explains all of this - and I'm just a simple man, no expert on any of this. But a man needs a mental map of the space he inhabits - the fact that 9/11 occurred and nobody talked, everybody hid it, shook loose my entire traditional world view - this is what came out when I opened my eyes to the 9/11 False Flag and Stand Down. This is my understanding of how the world works. It explains the evil that can sustain a 9/11 and a pedo empire of child blood sacrifice. The dragon is real and requires blood. This is my map.

It gives me peace to bring the Bible into modern times, it makes it real and not a story, it is the Bible in my life right now explaining things that otherwise could not be explained - the theory that would explain all of this outside of the Bible is that this is a simulation - or that the world is much older than the history we are given, but these are actually weaker arguments than just understanding the thing that is written on all of our hearts, that somebody made us, and cut us out a little sliver of water in a see of blood sacrifice with his people, and those ancient people influence us today.
I know it is all out of my hands - above my pay grade - I talk about it but I sleep well at night under this version of the Truth as I know it, sure to be informed as I grow in the Bible.

I hope this is both in line with the Bible and with the science through which we are finding Bible prophesy implemented - I'm no expert, run this by your pastor - I have never wrote or maybe even thought the whole thing out, but this is what has formed from the information I take in and on this day after 9/11, a monument to the great work of the occult, and on the eve of reelecting our gladiator against the occult - I share.

The Bible is not a story - it's more informative to what is happening right now, and more predictive of what is to come, than any information source those I respect have found. Any corrections to this theory based on the Bible we be kindly accepted. We all in the Truth movement defer to the Bible when talking about what is to come - there are no atheists in a foxhole this deep.