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RE: Pleasing Textures & Lines

in #macrophotography7 years ago (edited)

Portrait # 1 - plants like us, thrive on light and water, reminding us we are the drop of water in the great ocean of life.
Portrait # 2 - All things are connected, the tentacles of these flowers reach out for each other to entangle, knowing everything and everyone is interdependent on each other - we are all in this together.
Portrait # 3 - Nature renews and regenerates herself. Here the seeds of life prepare themselves to exit the mother plant and fly on the breeze to new ground, where they bring new life and vitality.
Portrait # 4 - Life is interwoven throughout itself, in intricate designs and colours, reminding us of our roots. We are from nature and will return there in good time.
Portrait # 5 - "Energy cannot be created or destroyed" (thank you Albert Einstein). Here we see the transformation of a leaf into other forms of energy and in the process, revealing to us, the inner strength and core, that we too have within.
Portrait # 6 - Ahhh the vortex, welcoming in the bees, butterflies and other insects, to savour the sweet nectars of this life form. So it is with our hearts, beckoning love from within and outside, welcoming us to bathe in love, to give and receive without conditions.
Zippy, your photography is a beautiful reflection of that which resides within - thank you for sharing both.


@cause-no-harm – what a lovely, thorough, well-thought-out comment. I'm so sorry I overlooked it before!

Through your words, I can see my images in a different way. I love that about art; we each bring our own, unique perspective! <3


Hi zipporah, thank you for your kind words, they are greatly appreciated.
Yes, seeing things from multiple perspectives, certainly leads to a much richer life.
Keep going!

Many thanks @tipu, you just made my day!!