Lilioceris merdigera Red in forest Aceh (Bahasa)
In this night post I want to share something about the insect image that I found in the side garden of the house, this insect is very unique of course. The garden is not extensive, but can be used to grow some vegetables. One of them that I am planting is a ground pumpkin vegetable. Seen this type of plant produces large pumpkins and leafy leaves. In addition to the fruits we consume, but the shoots of the leaves we can also eat by making "soup fat pumpkin shoots" my favorite cuisine!
Well, as I mentioned above. I would like to immediately share some random photographs of animals belonging to the insects of Lilioceris merdigera. This insect is very unique from several other types of insects
Pada postingan malam ini saya ingin berbagi sesuatu tentang gambar serangga yang saya temukan di kebun samping rumah, serangga ini sangat unik tentunya. Kebun ini tidaklah luas, namun dapat digunakan untuk menanam beberapa jenis sayuran. Salah satunya yang sedang saya tanam adalah sayur labu tanah. Terlihat jenis tanaman ini menghasilkan buah labu yang besar dan daun hijau yang lebat. Selain buahnya yang kita konsumsi, namun pucuk daunnya juga bisa kita makan dengan membuat "kuah lemak pucuk labu" masakan favorit saya
Nah, seperti yang telah saya utarakan diatas. Saya ingin langsung membagikan beberapa foto acak tentang binatang yang termasuk dalam serangga yaitu Lilioceris merdigera. Serangga ini sangat unik dari beberapa jenis serangga yang lain
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Please Follow My Account : @iebalgamge

isn't that a firefly?
no, it's not a firefly. I saw firefly last time when I was 12 years old, after that until now I have never seen it. whereas the existence of night firefly is very beautiful. most likely fireflies have died because farmers use insect poison.
Nyan nan jih tomket,,nyan hama pada ngon labu
Ken tomcat.. Laen tomcat yang lon tupu @ayoldonya..
hey, buddy ! Nice Shot @iebalgamge
i have vote !
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