Want some Macopa?
Its my day off!!! Yes it is! As i was wondering what to do. Except in laundry, sleeping and etc. I went to my daughters school to ask her teacher about her status. How she is in school and her teacher told me my daughter participate well in school and she already know how to read. And she is going to grade 2. That's enough for me.
Anyways what important is that she's not going to stay in grade 1.. That scares me. Hahahaha
Actually this post is about Macopa.
Just this afternoon as the sun was in his hottest temperature. My niece fhiona pick some macopa from our neighbor's macopa tree at their backyard.

We called this tambis here in Visayas. As i was searching in google for its english term it called macopa. We used to eat it when we are on our younger years.

The fruit is bell shaped with a waxy skin and comes in pink, white, green and purple. It has a crisp, light (airy or spongy) white pulp that is mild in flavor.

This fruit is mostly eaten raw here in the Philippines (sometimes with rock salt),
As for me its best with salt but my daughter like to eat it with sugar.

This fruit is so juicy and sweet.

This is my niece. She just arrived after picking tambis from our neighbor's backyard. That thing on stick is also tambis she choose to sliced it and put on stick before eating it.
Thanks to her i was able to eat tambis or macopa for free.