Indeed, the artificial intelligence that is implemented by means of a technically engineered machine or computer is used in a way of thinking of human thinking or intelligence.

The term Intelligence is the collective form of some special qualities. For example, to think about a particular subject, decision-making ability, ability to solve problems, learn from experience, gain knowledge of any subject, utilize the acquired knowledge, quickly and successfully respond to new conditions, the ability to understand the language These are part of intelligence.
Before the term of this intelligence, the artificial word can be placed only when it is possible to simulate these virtues in a system.
Allan Turing is known as the father of artificial intelligence. In the year 1950, Allan Turing has mentioned a test for testing whether a machine is intelligent, which is known as the Turing Test. Turing test is a test that can tell if there is any ability to think about the device. When a machine tests a Turing test, it can be said that the machine has some intelligent intelligence. The unique talent Alan Turing is credited with artificial intelligence as the father of theoretical computer science.

Artificial Intelligence aims to provide computer-like knowledge to people. Giving the ability to think like a human. And it requires intelligent programs. Knowledge Representation & Reasining is the main thing that needs to be done to create an intelligent program. And how well the brain's brain works for Knowledge Representation & Reasining, scientists are trying to imitate it.
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