Maasai spices for the protection of the Maasai Mara

in #maasai4 years ago

for Centuries the Maasai people in Kenya, uganda and tanzania have been using rare spices and herbs for giving their food rich flavour, sweet scents and to improve the nutritional value. Some herbs are used for medicinal purposes!

a good example is, the Maasai's consume more red meat per person per year than any other tribe in kenya, uganda and Tanzania, and yet they have the lowest recorded health problems that are related to high consumption of red meat! Thanks to the herbs and spices!

these spices and herbs have never been commercialized before, and may never reach the rest of the world because they are endangered by charcoal farming! Due to declined tourism caused by the corona pandemic and the declined demand for meat products which is the main maasai livelihood the community has resorted to cutting down trees including spice trees to burn for charcoal!

Two friends in Kenya started an initiative to commerciallize Maasai spices and herbs which will have the effect of reversing the gears of destruction in forest of maasai mara by planting more spice tree's and protecting the ecosystem where this new livelihood of spices and herbs.

the friends have opened a spice and herbs processing, packaging, branding and marketing center which will receive the herbs and spices from the Maasai people and sell them to the world.

These two friends are looking for funding and partnership to establish the processing fascility and the local and international licenses to enable them to trade the spices and also invest in the outgrower spice and herbs farmers.

contact: [email protected]