Learning challenge s23w5: "I Love My Body /Sit-up/Reverse Crunch

Hello friends it's immense pleasure for me while taking part in week 5 learning challengeLearning challenge s23w5: "I Love My Body /Sit-up/Reverse Crunch, I really found it's effective and necessary for my health and fitness.


In today's class I am going to learn about the reverse crunch and sit up, because through this exercise I would be able to fit my abdominal region especially the upper and lower ones which is truly very important for me.

Sit-up and how I do performed it

As this exercise is highly recommended for the abdominal muscles and I can do strengthening it, as my lower full body is involved and putting pressure on the abdomen according to my body limiting.

Well for performing it I lay down straight keep my leg in bending position, I don't have to lift my feet during this exercise which is basically requirement of this exercise, then I moved in sitting position and touch my knees and bend as my body allowed I don't put any extra pressure on myself. As the sitting and touching knees allow me to contract my abdominal region and it's muscles too.


The main advantages of this exercise which h I have observed my core muscles are strengthening and my body endurance capabilities are improving although I can get it through practice but for the time being I was performing I felt it's good for the strength of my core muscles. Obviously it's also good for spine too and it's strength can be improved by doing it regularly.

As per learning requirements I do it 21 times, I do it 7 times and did rest for 10 seconds and then repeat the process. Although in video I didn't record the rest duration in order to avoid lengthy of video because it takes many hours to upload.

Reverse crunch or Inverted abdominal

Well this exercise seems simple but it's really reversed crunch because I have to carry knees to the my chest area. Although I felt I can improve my lower and upper parts more.

How i perform it

Firstly I lay down straight by keeping my arm on the floor, then I lifted my leg and bend them at moving towards chest although I have moved both legs same time and also there was contractions in my abdominal muscles.


Moreover I lifted my body especially hip from soil which was requirements of the crunch and its useful for building and stretching of the abdominal muscles. Hence I didn't have to touched the soil while returning to my position rather keeping it but higher from the soil surface.

I kept my neck and shoulder muscles relaxed during this exercise. I do performed it 10 times then rest for 10 seconds and totally repetitive was if 30.

Video I have recorded

Programsno. Of repsRestno. Of repsrestno. Of reps
Situp7 reps10 seconds.7 reps10 seconds.7 reps
Reverse Crunch10 reps10 seconds10 reps10 seconds10 reps

Which of these programs is the most difficult for you and what exactly makes it difficult. How did you overcome the difficulty.

Well, this program was good to perform although sit up was no so easy then I do practice it many times for building my strength due to fast I felt it difficult.

I waited for evening and practiced it I was able to do it because in sit up there is contractions in abdominal muscles and we have to moved our whole body towards sit and touching the knees hence the feet shouldn't be lifted from the soil surface.

Overall it was good and I overcome it easily and able to performed it.

What is your overall feelings at the end of these programs?

I am feeling good and energetic at the end of this programme and I felt we are ignoring ourselves in daily life deeds hence body strengthening is essentially needed.

I am very thankful to respected professor @ngoenyi and @genomil whose efforts and motivation enabled me to work on my body with more motivation, hence nothing is easy in first attempt but I build it with practice and I knew if I continued it my fitness would be much good than before.

It's all about my today's post.

I would like to invite my friends @jannat12, @m-fdo and @mdkamran99 to take part in the challenge.


¡Saludos amiga!🤗

Los abdominales son ejercicios super poderosos. Te confieso que cuando yo no los hacía, pensaba que eran super sencillos jajaja, pero al aplicarme, aprendí a respetarlos y quererlos, porque nos ayudan a mejorar nuestro abdomen de manera sorprendente.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Hi @drhira,
It is very welcome that you focused on your fitness and participated in this exercise challenge. The post written in the detail explained how to get sit-up and reverse cranches help strengthen your body. Particularly the dedication to your practice and the style of overcoming difficulties is impressive. Patience and continuity are very important during exercise, and you have proven that constant work is possible. Hopefully you will improve further and impress others to focus on your fitness.