Ludo game
Ludo is a classic board game that can be played by 2 to 4 players. The objective is to move all four of your pieces from the starting area to the center of the board before your opponents do. The game is based on luck (rolling dice) and strategy (blocking opponents, using safe zones, and making calculated moves).
Basic Rules of Ludo:
1. Setup: Each player picks a color (red, blue, green, or yellow) and places their four tokens in the starting area of that color.
2. Rolling the Dice: Players take turns rolling a six-sided die. A roll of 6 allows the player to bring a token onto the board and roll again.
3. Movement: Players move their tokens forward according to the number they roll.
4. Capturing Opponents: Landing on a square occupied by an opponent’s piece sends that piece back to its starting area.
5. Safe Zones: Some squares (marked with a star or different color) are safe, meaning opponents cannot capture pieces on them.
6. Winning: The first player to move all four tokens to the center of the board wins.
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lol I though this is a contest.