The Awakening and the hard truths that it intailssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #lucifarian6 years ago (edited)

Hi There my name is Rezi, I wanted to write about the mass awakening that is happening around the world, if you have not woken from the slumber we have been lulled into for quite a time now you are in for a shock. Myself It was around May this year,I watched something on you tube about the Mandela effect and how it had changed the Bible so I looked in my Bible and yes it certainly had changed, the next day I looked again and it changed in front of my eyes, I thought I was going mad how in the hell can this be happening it made no sense, still doesn't really I think it may have something to do with(the hedrone collider) CERN, D-wave, AI in general. But to be honest I don't have the answers I am just theorizing at this point most are. CERN are very much into the Occult and aren't afraid of showing it. SHIVA the destroyer! an Indian Deity is right out front of the facility, CERN's logo is clearly 666 they have admitted there aim is to open portals to other dimensions and There opening ceremony was ritualistic to say the least, So I have to ask myself the shenanigans these people at CERN are carrying on with will they effect humanity as a whole and why are they allowed to make decisions that could be a danger to us , you would think that the public would be asked about such projects even the late Steven Hawkins was concerned that they might create a black hole. THE INSANITY is mind boggling!

Moving on from Cern, and this is going right into the Conspiracy Theories except let me tell you without a doubt it is no theory it is a very big CONSPIRACY, There is a small number of people who run this world and the Western world has been absolutely subdued into a false sense of security more than that they have been in a form of mind control since the Idiot box was invented, The purpose of the mind control was to distract program us into more or less feeling like shit with our flaws and imperfect lives. Now we are getting hit GMO foods that have had drastic effects on our health, Vaccines that are bombarding our children's immune systems, chem trails that they don't even know what the effects will be because they are simply experimenting over us (gotta love being in a test lab without consent),and now 5G is upon us. This is the world we live in schools that indoctrinate you with only (the elites words) "only basic education" we the mass's are not worthy of true education, to them they call us eaters and are determined to ave there NEW WORLD ORDER!
They have been at this for a few hundred years and that is a fact. The Secret Societies such as the Rosicrucian's, The Free Masons, Skull & Bones, The eastern Stars, The Kabbala, Zionists, Jesuits, and yes the Illuminati YES I said it! they are real they have infiltrated our western world from the beginning, from the moment Europe, America and Australia were founded on a lie as the Masons had infiltrated our Religious systems, Governments, Courts, Police, and Military They cleverly infiltrated until they took over there aim as said above is to have these Elite rule over humanity. Agenda 21 sustainable living.

Bahahahhaaaa fairdinkum these Aristocrats certainly are the front men painting the picture of huge ego. As sad as it is they are actually well underway with this as they Blew up the twin towers, and got more control over the people they signed new legislates ect that take away our rights and we arn't doing anything about it, So we need at least 1% of the world to WAKE UP. And for all those that don't believe our Governments would do this your sadly mistaken here's a link for Australians
A list of what they want to do.


  1. The end of national sovereignty
    2)The abolition of private property
    3)The restructure of the family unit (separating your children from you)
    4)Increasing restrictions and limitations on mobility and opportunity
    5)Human beings are to be concentrated into Human settlement zones
    6)Irrigation- unsustainable- GONE
    7)Grazing of live stock-unsustainable-

Now I want you to get this threw your head, these people are the big corporations, Monsanto,big pharma, wall mart, Google, Amazon the Rockefeller's and Rothschild's, Bill Gates, Oprah just to name a few. There the bankers the oil company's the ones who did all the destruction in the first place DO NOT be fooled with there propaganda of global warming being because of our consumption and over population, also look into the Georgia Guide Stones which says Maintain Humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Hmm mm right now on the Earth there is 7 billion. yeah that's like 3 quarters of the population that they want gone.

These people arnt like us they are inbred for a start and generation after generation deformities start to show up, They also worship a different god to most which involves rituals,blood sacrifice sex and just very disturbing stuff. I will go into that in another blog. I just want to end this on a positive note! They know how the mind works so they get us threw Prophecy, symbolism and Frequency's they are well aware that humans create with there imaginations, words an moods that's what we are Creators so instead of reading prophecies and saying I cant do anything, don't fall for the trap you can change it with good thoughts and positive words, that rubs off onto others and if we get that on a wave they don't stand a chance.
We are all connected to each other and all of nature, they have been behind every evil that has happened wars, bombings, shootings 9/11 and it goes on and on, there a minority of unwell corrupted human flesh.
We can change the outcome that's the beauty of it.
Shine bright in the world be who you really are.


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