Supplemental Lessons in Lucid Dreaming: Introduction

I just released the very first episode of my new lucid dreaming series!

Supplemental Lessons in Lucid Dreaming is meant to be, well... Supplemental.

As you learn to lucid dream, there is generally a lot of information that you don't come across online. These bits of information are the hidden gems; knowing them is the difference that can make or break an aspiring lucid dreamer. Luckily, this series will explore many such topics!


Sound really interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing more from you!
Sadly, I'm one of those people who are unable to remember their dreams after waking up. But maybe I can learn something from you and change this :)

Thanks for watching! Start keeping a dream journal if you haven't. If you wake up in the night, jot down a few keywords to help you remember your dreams and when you wake up write them down before you get out of bed. Anything you can remember, even if it's nothing. Getting in the habit of trying to remember your dreams is a process. Even if you remember nothing, writing that down helps stress that you ought to remember something, which I think subconsciously helps as well. Good luck!

Thanks a lot! I will try to do so!