Bitcoin Miner Demands Removal of Wyoming Committee Members

in #lsdkhlslast year

The bitcoin mining company that bought the rights to run a former coal mine near Gillette, Wyo., has asked the state legislature to remove two members of a committee that had been reviewing its plans।

Bitmain Technologies, which is seeking federal approval for its $400 million expansion of its operations at the former underground mine, is making this move। Already, the company has three big data centers in Cheyenne and one in Casper।

Bitmain claims that the public perception of the digital currency is becoming more important because it needs more space to store equipment and process data related to its bitcoin mining operations।

However, critics argue that the expansion threatens endangered species like golden eagles and bats, and could cause pollution on the site। Additionally, they claim that it poses a threat to groundwater supplies in Laramie County, where coal mining has decreased since the beginning of the 2000s।

During floor debate last week, Representative Gregg Burdick (R) said, We need to make sure they're not doing anything that is going to harm our environment. He was referring to a bill designating two members of Wyoming's Water Quality Commission to be part of an advisory committee concerned with Bitmain's proposed expansion