in #loveitshoveit7 years ago


  1. FAMILY-
    For the longest time I could not stand the thought of being without them... I've gotten older (21) and now it's about that time to move forward in my life..My family of course will still be in my life and be there whenever I need help or just to spend time with yes of course Family is my #1 Love and I Love them to death and would never trade them for the world.

  2. ACTING-
    Since I was a little girl I had always imitated lines from tv shows and movies and I absolutely enjoyed it and was fascinated by it! Whenever I watched a movie, once the movie was over I would absolutely always go to the special features and look at the special effects, makeup, behind the scenes with the director and everything and I loved it and still do til this day! The funny thing is... Never really thought about being an actress but family members would ask me rhetorical questions involving me acting... and finally I realized...Of Course I want to be an Actress! I love acting with a passion and can't wait to be on set! And even producing one of my own movies or tv shows in the future ;-)

    In my opinion, Laughter can cure a lot of things in this world and more than we think. I love laughing...just the feeling of peace and happiness around the people you care about most. When you're's like..there's no worries in the world. You're not thinking about what happened between you and a coworker at work or the fact that your car is in the shop because of a wreck you were in..the feeling of laughter is one of the best! When you're down in the dumps..laughter can take that feeling away like that! Seeing someone else laugh makes me laugh along with them. Laughter is Contagious! Laughter Makes Life Better! Like the Joker once said, "Why So Serious?" LOL

    Let me tell you guys how much I love singing....I'm I'm typing this post lol. Now, I'm not at all a bad singer..but have I thought about being a Singer..yes, maybe a few times in my lifetime but no not really. It's more like a hobby of mine! There's not a day that goes by that I'm not singing...not one. Sometimes I wish I had a friend that I could do a duet with every single day. Singing is one of my ways of showing expression and I love it!

    Now, I know for a fact that I'm not the only one on Earth who loves Eating Food. And I also know that this probably wasn't the best choice for my "Loves List"...but I have a I only one who dances when they are eating something delicious?! LOL..Comment and Upvote If You Can Relate! Oh and let me know in the comments what foods make you dance while eating it lol


    You ever have someone be nice to you in your face.. smiling, laughing with you, etc..and then turn around and say something bad about you to someone behind your back? Well these are considered Two-Faced People you guys. Now, I can't recall anyone right now in my life who has been two-faced to me..but I can say this, I try my absolute best to stay away from people who may give off that vibe. Only Positive Vibes In My Circle..and my circle is pretty small...intentionally lol

    Someone who thinks just because they look better or are bigger than another person and pick on someone just because is ridiculous to me and I don't like it one bit. Also, I was bullied when I was in elementary school and partially middle school so that plays a part in it too. It's unacceptable and should be stopped in all types of forms such as cyber bullying, etc.

    For the life of me I can NOT STAND clutter! Whenever I see a mess I just HAVE to clean it up! Uhh..would you guys consider me a Clean Freak?? Oh well, I accept who I am LOL. I can't help it you guys! I'm pretty sure there are folks out there that are way worse than me so fair enough lol. The weird thing about me is it's ONLY at my house..not anyone else's. So I could go to someone's house and it be a complete mess..and I would care less LOL. Soo..I guess I wouldn't be considered a Clean Freak? Who Knows?

    This would definitely be considered one of my biggest Pet Peeves. It's so bad...the moment I feel something sticky on my fingers I HAVE to go wash my hands, hand sanitizer..SOMETHING! There was a particular day I was at work and my hands got sticky back-to-back.. so of course..I washed my hands back-to-back. My manager started calling me O.C.D LOL....I just can't do it you guys. I really can't.

  5. LIARS-
    There's not too much to explain here and I'm sure many of you don't like liars. It's already bad enough that you're lying but please..if anything..DO NOT lie on me -_- I can't deal with liars.

Well this was fun to do! I'm honestly not into writing that much but I found an odd enjoyment from writing this post! I hope you all enjoyed this post and got to learn a little more about me. :-) Now I challenge all who view this post to make one yourselves! And don't forget to put #loveitshoveit :-)