The first snow : a pure natural wonder in my children's eyes

in #love7 years ago


Canadian winters are pretty special. Here in Quebec, we have lots and lots of snow. It has started snowing today, November 16. Well actually we had a little snow fall last week, but it all melted down pretty quickly so it wasn't our first real snow fall. Today is however! What I love about the first snow is all the magic that comes with it. Trees are all covered in white, there are gentle snow flakes dancing in the wind, the atmosphere becomes truly enchanting. The scenery completey changes... yesterday everything was green and today, everything is white.

Even though winters have been part of my life since I was born, the way I experience and see them has completely changed the day I had children. You know those magic eyes that light up in your kids' face when they see something magical like receiving a gift they had been dreaming of for a long time or going to Disney World for the first time? Well, I see these magic eyes every year when the first snow falls :) This is truly a priceless moment. They wake up and then I tell them : let's go look through the window and then, wow the magic happens!! A huge smile appears on their face, their eyes light up and they could almost just stand there for an hour, looking at that beautiful new scenery.

Their day is completely changed from then on. They are the happiest kids ever because of nature's beauty. Isn't that the best we could hope for? Having children who are amazed about the most natural thing that exists : the world that sourrounds them.

Even though winters have downsides to them, I would not trade the first snow for anything in the world. It is pure magic in my children's eyes ♥
