Without details, without context... relationship question.

in #love7 years ago (edited)

Hey, when answering this question, would you mind sharing your initial thoughts, follow up questions, and assumptions? I want to understand how people might really feel about this topic.

Your romantic partner, in love, in a committed relationship with you, wants to maintain a platonic friendship with someone they had some sort of romantic/intimate experience with when they were single. What happens now?


That is such a hard thing. My initial reaction is: that person is having a hard time letting go of the other, specially if there are no kids involved. I read an article to that people who want to be friends with their exes might be sociopaths.. lol

lol fair initial reaction. Thank you!

Is this personal to you, or you just like going over realtionship hypotheticals?

For the purpose of my question, relationship hypotheticals.

If the relationship is truly strong, two people should be able to have friends, no matter who they are, without jealousy getting in the way. Trust in a relationship is foundational. And being friends with exes is not necessarily a bad thing either. If someone can truly be friends with an ex, it shows a great deal of compassion and maturity on their part.

My feelings towards this issue are pretty much that! Thanks!

It would put me off initially. I don't typically talk to my exes, so I would look at them initially with that, but then talk to them and depending on their answer, get over it.

Fair enough! For sure

Heee..Can't relate. Hihi

Hey there, lol well I guess lucky you!