Love 3 Days

in #love7 years ago (edited)


"Singles? not level yaaa "so the words of children today. it is very very not bener. According to me, singles are beautiful. Singles are very fun, while all busy dating, singles can relax and do the job he wants. Example 1, when loe (which already has a girlfriend) must bales all SMS boyfriend, singles can take it easy to sleep without having bales SMS. Example 2, you must find this is what can make your girlfriend not bored with you, singles do not need to search it all. From 2 examples, there is, it can be concluded that courtship only makes themselves busy. Some say, singles are lonely kek, sad kek, naksin no kek kek. But all that is very very wrong. the proof, dating only happy early. After bored, the edges ask for a break. After breaking up, upset, not willing, ask for feedback (though already dicampak'in).

My name is Aldi. At that time I was still in high school N. Gue had a friend named, Dio. Dio is my best friend, the proof is, he wants to nolongin me even though I often ngacangin him. Unfortunately Dio has 1 trait that I do not like. The nature of it wants to attract the attention of girls aka play boy class snapper. He never ngerasain whose name is single. I have the same opposite attitude. I do not ever deket girl, I can not at my girl's attention, even in contact hp was not a single girl unless nyokap same contact-Sodara Sodara I

"Heh, Di. Loe perhatiin tuh chick. Pretty cool right ... Well, loe pacarin aja tuh. "Dio said, which makes me choke noodles meatballs.
"I said to you, I'm not going to want a name going out. Besides loe light really ngomongnya "I replied.
"Di, you've been dumped by Erna. Elo should find another better girl, instead of waiting for hope from Erna gini. "Dio said, giving advice.
"I want ya so, Di. But I can not handle girls. "I replied.
"Elo try first PDKT same girl laen. Later also forget too kok. "Answer Dio.
"I'm not as easy as you, Di. I look just barely. How about getting a girl? "Balesku.
"Di, you're what. Loe guess all the girls in this school, deketin loe for what? "Dio said.
"Make a treat," I replied, innocently.
"Loe is plain. They want to draw your attention. "Dio said with his sotoy.
"Time?" I say not believe it.

"Hey Aldi, walk with me." Said Rika, one of the KKK group.
"Uh, sorry, Ka. I have a job. "
"Well, that's it. But my gombalin first ya ... "Rika said spoiled.
"Oops. Come on, Di. "I say not meduliin tu child.
"Eh wait, Di. Kasian tika Rika. Kayak want to cry t ... Anyways a chance for you to ndapetin girl. "Dio said.
"What's the chance? Mending the same courtship kebo, than on him ... "I said as he pulled Dio's hand.
"Better than the same courtship Rika, dating the same I wrote." Said Rosa, the most popular child in my school.
"Well, first, yes, I want to take my stuff that left behind in the library." I said.
"Uh, Ditungguin. He said you want to find a boyfriend so there is a chance immediately dibiarin? "Dio said.
"I meant to find the girlfriend, not the likes of the game, too." I said as I turned toward the cheerfuler team.
"Why, he wants to take the goods?" Dio said.
"Gue boong really" I said with a grin.
"Do you want to come here?" Dio asked.
"I disuru Nelisa for ngasi tau Lita, kalok tomorrow there SD Yurata reunion." I say.
"Why do you want to tell?" Dio said.
"Abis she looks tired Di, pity." I say.
"Loe is the weakest the same as a girl." Dio said.

"Lit, I told Nelisa ngasi tau ell, if tomorrow there is a reunion SD Yurata clock 1 in resto Mitara". I say.
"Thanks Di, you're so good." Lita said, smiling to herself. I walked back to the class, suddenly there was like an arrow of love in my heart. I saw a beautiful woman, with shoulder-length hair and glasses.
"Napa Di, how do you stop?" Dio asked.
"Eh, Di. Elo know the girl who was there again holding the book? "I asked.
"Oh, that's Olive. Nerd geek, not really fit elo, Di. "Dio said.
"Di, but how can I fall in love with him?" I asked.
"Do not worry, loe Di. Come back to class. "Dio said. I stared at the girl and left.

homecoming I saw olive stand, while waiting shuttle. "Hi." I said. "Hi also" reply olive. "mending than waiting, join I wrote." I said. "baseball need Aja Deh. later even ngerepotin ELO." said olive. "come on Donk, mumpung I do not there Les." I said. "Yes already, thanks Yes di." said olive while sitting on the bike. for the trip atmosphere looks awkward. "makasi Yes in, I so ngerepotin ELO." said olive. "olive, ELO want so my boyfriend." suddenly the word slide from my mouth. "EMM, sorry di. I don't want to courtship first." said olive that make my heart broken. "if so want right so friend me?" I asked. "ELO funny really Deh, di. I always that already nganggep ELO friend." said olive. "Yes already I return first, tomorrow I shuttle ELO Yes." I said. "Yes, thanks Yes di." said olive. I also home to the good. "Dio, I abis rejected girl ya ..." I said when I and Dio again hanging out together. "how can, the di. instead of all girl on fall in love to ELO Yes?" said Dio. "not segitunya also, di." I said with a smile. "Yes emang. Lila the girl popular it just like the same ELO. emang who already refused you?" asked Dio while drinking coffee. "olive." I said quietly. "in, I do not wrong hear right ?? Loe shoot the olive girl geeky that?" said Dio. "he's not geeky, di." I said. "aware, di. he not pantes know not, dapetin guy as popular as ELO. mending ELO courtship same Rica wrote." said Dio. "Rica? not wrong hear ya I. Rica that's not what-what's the same olive." I said. "awesome wrote. profit ELO rejected. if not want so what Loe later." said Dio. "Hello Dear." suddenly Rica appear. "why ELO here." I said cold. "friend I want to buy mendoan. cold really the Loe, say .." said Rica, spoiled. "ELO why the hell call me, Unfortunately. Loe that not girlfriend me." I said. "Ugh, say evil really does Loe." said Rica. "Rica, Loe already finished yet? EDI NIH already calling." said friend Rica. "Yes. bye Yes say." said Rica, which unexpectedly kissed me and ran to the direction of his friends. "crazy !! dare bener that the child." said Dio. "maybe another hot that." I said as he wiped part was kissed Rica. "first Yes, I want to go home first. task of Pak Jonny a lot of really." said Dio. "bye. I also the task of Mrs. Lita." I replied. the next day ... "tumben this hour already want to go." said mamaku. "Yes, MA. want shuttle friend Aldi first." I said. "Dio?" asked mamaku. "not. olive, MA his name." I replied. "your boyfriend?" asked Mama. "ick Mama. Aldi depart first Yes." I said. "Yes, be careful in the way." reply Mama. "already a long waiting for him?" I asked. "new 5 minutes Kok." responsible olive. "ELO already ngerjain homework from mom Oni?" I asked. "already. if you?" reply olive. "yet. later I should Clay has ELO Yaa?" I said with a smile ignorant. "don't Ah .. later mom Oni angry." said olive. "heh geeky, aside Loe. Aldi that belong to US, Loe not pantes deket him." word of mouth Rica out, so we arrived at the school. "according to me, ELO are gak pantes deket at me." I replied spicy. "Aldi, Loe Kok so evil so anyway? definitely because of the tengil this Yes." said Rica while grab hair olive. "what the hell is hell Loe, railway. already come on, live. we go from the tengil this." I said while interesting hand olive. "don't worry, di. I could go own Kok." said olive, while dismissed my hand. "hush, hush, go there. know yourself also Loe." said Rica laughing. "enough." I said while slap Rica, then ran to the direction of olive. "what the hell is hell Loe." said Rica. "olive, maafin me." I said while pursuing olive. "baseball, Loe not wrong." said olive while stop. "pliss, live, maafin me." I said while running approaching. "stop. do not deketi me." said olive. "sorry." I replied, while back to the original. "ELO, ELO why is always good to me. I, I so like the same ELO know." said olive, which make I surprised. "truss strainer ELO like me. why ELO refused me?" I asked. "I sick ..." suddenly said he said interrupted by cry. ago I hold her and lead to the Park is a quiet, so that he can calm. "Loe sick what?" I asked, after crying died down. "i'm sick of cancer. doctor said, alive I live in a minute." said olive. "and if Loe sick cancer, what to do the same Loe refused I" I asked. "I don't want to, Loe suffer. enough me just suffering." said olive. "I tetep like Loe, how the state of Loe." I said. "EMM ... in fact, I also like Loe, from a long time. but because of the state in .." said olive. "not there buts. whose name like Yes like, not there can be prevented. now Gini wrote. Loe want so girlfriend me?" I asked once again. "want anyway, but disease I do this." said olive. "the question cuman want or baseball." I said baseball patient. "want to." said he looks ashamed. "say, now we are turning to the class. you from class where?" I asked. "from the class 8 -l" said olive. "I anther you Yes, say." I said, while holding olive. "Ahh, turunin Dong, di." said olive panic. "not want to, if ELO not call me, say." I said. "EMM. say." said olive ashamed. I was down, and take him to the class.

On the way to class I met Dio.
"Where are you going? How plasticity staggered so. "Ask Dio.
"I'll meet Erna's successor." I said.
"Who?" Ask Dio.
"Olive." I say lightly.
"Loe, did you invite Olive? I'm wrong to hear it? "Dio asked.
"No," I said.
"Yes, forgive Aldi. He does not have anything in common with you. "Dio said.
"Yes, I know. But I love to die with him. "I say while going to class. On the way to class I see Olive, and in front of her is Rika plus her gank. Olive looked frightened. I hurried to them.
"Hey, what are you doing Olive." I snarled as I put an arm around Olive.
"Emm, we just want to ask lesson lessons." Rika said fear.
"No need alesan, loe. You want to hurt my girlfriend right? As long as you know yes, I love it very much Olive, and I will not let you loe, nyakitin my girlfriend again. "I say scolded 2 girls this iuh.
"But, Di. You think donk. The girl just wants to grab the attention addressed to you. "Feta said.
"That's the word loe doank." I say as I pull Olive's hand, to get away from Rika.
"Sorry, yes Live." I say quietly.
"Better we break it, Di .." Olive said while crying in my arms.
"Please donk give me a chance once wrote. I promise I'll protect you. "I said.
"Di, please break me up, Di. I can not take it anymore. Anyway I've convicted the doctor just have a chance to live until tomorrow. "Olive said, which makes my heart like dihujam by 1000 sharp spikes.
"Elo, elo ..." My words broke off by my sobs.
"Sorry, Di. So I do not want to go out with you. I already know if I have another moment taken his life. "Olive said, while wiping my tears.
"But Live, we were just invented. How can you keep me that secepet? "I asked.
"That's God's will, Di." Olive replied, bravely.
"I still do not believe it." I said.
"Well, Di. Gini aja, I still have 1 desire before I die. "Olive said.
"I'll get your request. Do you want to die together? Okay, I helped you as well. "I said.
"Not so, too. I just want to be the same person I like. "Olive said.
"Calm down, I'll follow. I'll get a spot on the Inakata restaurant. "I say as I reach for my HP.
"Eit, wait. Resto Inakata really expensive. "Olive said.
"Nothing expensive for you." I said with a smile.
"Not that I mean, Di. I just want to date on the beach, while watching the sunset. "Olive said.
"Well, tomorrow I'll pick you up. Hour 5. "I said.
"Okay." Olive said, who immediately ran into the class because it was already a bell.

The next day
"Hey, pretty. Are you ready? "I asked, fascinated by the angel.
"Olive." Olive said as he climbed into my car.
We went to Simarata beach. I saw Olive. He looked frightened, as he was about to die. I stroked his head.

"Oh, really beautiful sea," Olive said.
"Still look elo, beb." I say, ngegombal.
"Oh yeah, yes, yeah," Olive said, hitting me slowly on the shoulder.
"Elo emang bener-bener beautiful kok, beb. Especially if smile. "I say.
"Uh, elo." Olive said with a smile.
"See. Eh sunset again tuh sunset. "I say while embracing Olive.
"Yeah, really beautiful." Olive said.
"Yes. Uh, do you know the difference between you and the sun? "I asked.
"I do not know." Olive said.
"If the sun shines on the earth, if you shine on my heart." I say.
"So sweet." Olive said.
"Uh, do you know how much I love you?" I asked.
"I do not know." Olive said.
"From the south pole to the north pole." I say.
"Emm. Sorry, Di. I'm really sleepy. "Olive said.
"Yes, just sleep." I said.

Olive leaned his head against my shoulder, then went to sleep. After enjoying the beach atmosphere, I immediately carry it to the car, and go home. After arriving home, I woke Olive. Apparently he has died. I cried, hugging her. Then I took the body to the hospital for burial. When I met his mama, it turns out he was leaving a letter, the contents.

Dear Aldi
In, maybe when you read this letter, I already do not exist on your side. I want you to keep me alive, even though I do not exist. Actually, I love that loe from me to enter this school. At that time I see you play basketball again. I immediately fell in love, Di. I thought you would not like me, Di. So I threw away the thought of dating you. But I can not disguise my feelings. I still love you, though I can not be your girlfriend. A month later, I was sentenced to cancer by a doctor. I'm really desperate. Plus, there is a rumor that says you are dating Rika same. I was almost stressed by that time. That's why I was really surprised when you fired me. I do not think I have anything more than you. I do not want to go out with anyone who will die this time. So I refused you. Even in my deepest heart, I want to invite you as well. When, elo shoot me the 2nd time, I can not survive to accept you. After we dating, I realize that nothing can block the name LOVE.