What she learned from shaving her head

in #love6 years ago

In a world where people are trying to be more accepting of those around them, and stereotypes have been shown up and debunked many times, we still have judgement on 1st impressions and on image in general.

Just take a look at 99% of glossy magazines and you will see what is accepted or pushed as norm and aspired to.
And in a world where the beautiful, rich and famous are committing suicide in their numbers, there is a serious problem with feeling accepted regardless of whether that perceived goal has been achieved or not.

So this post is about an acquaintance of mine who has shared some of her lessons learned by shaving her head.

Similar to myself, she has been somewhat in the limelight while fronting a band and seeing some success in that and she also presenting a TV show.
That brings attention and quite a few pats on the back which can boost that ego, and make one feel good about oneself.

So let's get to it

Let's start with a series of pics of Alicia with 'normal' hair.

And another more casual pic with some of the locals she hangs out with while travelling abroad.
Clearly this local knows how to throw on the charm!


The Lessons

The below are directly from her....

  1. People are really shallow.

  2. People strongly advise that women have long hair. (its just the way we've been doing things around here)

  3. Men and women will voice their dissaproval even if you don't ask.

  4. People don't enjoy looking at women with short hair.

  5. Hair is what makes a woman beautiful and feminine.

  6. Overly feminine is also the only kind of women we enjoy and hair is of utmost importance here.

  7. People will literally be "dissapointed" if you shave your hair..(it impacts their lives greatly.)

  8. Its really amazing to not have hair.

  9. Life goes on even without hair.

  10. You should try not having hair.

  11. "it is not my responsibility to be beautiful."

  12. " I'm not alive for that purpose."

  13. "My existence is not about how desirable you find me"~warsan shire

At what point do we stop being a part of the problems in this world and try to be part of what makes it great?
Surely a person's personal choices are just that, and we should be willing to fight for their rights as you would for your own.....especially when these are not impacting others negatively (like criminal or destructive decisions).

Take a look at the below pics of Alicia and let's take the message she has shared and learn from them, pass them on, practice them in our lives and bring some joy and uplifting in other people's lives even if their choices are not 'your cup of tea'.

Has shaving her head made her any less beautiful? Has it changed who she is inside? Perhaps it's even strengthened who she needs to be and is expressing an inner strength that she rarely speaks of? And then sharing it openly with people she doesn't even know.





Such beautiful words from the hymn God is love speak volumes on how nature and life even shows us the path.
When you take time out for yourself, alone in nature you can feel the below is true to your core.

  1. Earth, with her ten thousand flow'rs,
    Air, with all its beams and show'rs,
    Heaven's infinite expanse,
    Sea's resplendent countenance--
    All around and all above
    Bear this record: God is love.

  2. Sounds among the vales and hills,
    In the woods and by the rills,
    Of the breeze and of the bird,
    By the gentle murmur stirred--
    Sacred songs, beneath, above,
    Have one chorus: God is love.

  3. All the hopes that sweetly start
    From the fountain of the heart,
    All the bliss that ever comes
    To our earthly human homes,
    All the voices from above
    Sweetly whisper: God is love.

Thomas R Taylor

What is required of us.....LOVE


Love the article....... Brilliant thoughts...... Excellent hymn! Well done ❤️