in #love7 years ago


I once saw a picture depicting two babies one was white and the other was an African baby and the white girl hugged the African baby and also gave the African a kiss at the cheek then an inscription was placed beneath the picture which was written thus A baby will love anything until it has been taught by the elders to hate it.

The basis of life is to love and to be loved, but what if it is in the other way round? What if you love and you don’t get love in return? Yes that is much possible, the most important thing is to love whatever the case maybe, sound’s impossible right? There is one thing that helps, it’s you doing something without expecting nothing in return, with such mind you will care less about returns but if you are with the mindset of great expectation towards human reaction then emotion is being hurt and the heart is void of love.

To enjoy living to the fullest one has to do a lot to have a healthy living and look. Loving with a pure heart not expecting people to reciprocate do clear away grudges and enhance a lovable atmosphere, by involving in this act you are doing yourself more good than harm. Life is worth living if you are always conscious of the fact that love matters in all things irrespective of the colour, race, tribe, time, place, circumstances and situations. If we try as much as it lies within our power to share love wherever we find ourselves this alone illuminates the world faster and better than the most illumined electric bulb and more importantly helps to revive a sadden heart and gladdens the soul.


Studying babies closely you will realize that they do not keep things to heart, when you hurt them this minute and they shed tears or possibly sort out refuge in someone else arms before you know it they will be back in your arms the next minute, when in their midst you have to possess a loving character to enjoy their company this exactly should be the same way of life for adults and everyone, the holy bible that states it that of all the law love is greatest is very much correct this is because you can win hatred with love and still be as you have always been so happy filled with joy and with rest of mind.


WHY LOVE !!! this might be someone’s intending question, the golden answer to your question is so direct and simple, it will help an individual , friends, families, group of people and the human community is saved from the poisonous venom of hatred. Come to think of it a heart filled with love will not want to hurt or kill neither will it bear false witness or backstab another fellow. That is just how far love can help reshape a dilapidated relationship and will wipe away records of unhealthy past and as well heal the deepest wound one could ever imagine.