Cought Cheating.

in #love7 years ago

Caught Cheating.

Firstly there are some things you should understand before we proceed.

personally i believe you should clearly state what you want out of a relationship. weather its just sex or open relationship which is apparently normal in this day and age. or normal serous relationship as God intended it to be.what ever your situation is you must fully know the person you involved with, not just knowing what they like or were they live try as much as possible to find out about there past relationships. its a bit creepy but hey it might save you a lot of trouble.

If you truly love someone it best you do not cheat on them simply because what happens after you cant control in anyway. Cheating on the person you love is basically making a bold statement that what ever happens to our relationship, i can live without you. which is unlikely for most women because for women sex and love are tied together but for men its completely the opposite. the sad part is everything you said turns to lies.

So what do you do when caught cheating. well nothing is guaranteed like i said at this point you are not in control of anything. if your partner leaves you,well you made your bed actions have consequences. that being said they are some tips to getting you partner back or should i say conduct.

Most people men and women make the mistake of thinking getting your partner back should be instantaneous. and in doing so they don't actually realize that they are pushing there partner further away from them. the guilty party line of thought in most cases goes like this, before he or she makes there mind up,or before they decide to completely leave and be done with me i must get them back. as a result every chance you get you make thing worse for you self you actually helping him or her make a decision to leave your sorry ass, no offence. you should know that what ever you do at this point is gonna come out as obsessive. your constant apologies and phone calls and eventually stalking all that you might as well just bite the bullet.

So what do you do. the answer is simple you do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. before he or she decides to leave you they gonna want to here what your explanation is trust me because at this point they are sill hoping. you are not guilty and that you are guiltyish unless you have been caught cheating before in this case cant help you lol. so weather face to face preferably or voice mail you gonna get your chance to be heard. and when you do pour your heart out be truthful and sincere in your apology and after you have said what you had to say LEAVE ON YOUR OWN What i mean is that whatever you do don't get thrown out, very important actually gives an indication that you are felling remorseful and that you don't deserve him or her which is a good thing. so you have to be precise and quick too.

After this there is pretty much nothing you can do to get you partner back except to give them space to think an evaluate. as much as they are hurting and cursing you every minute of the day they also thinking about what you mean to them because no matter how painful it is deep down they still love you. while they evaluate they also think about the moment they had with you and this is whats going to help you get your partner back, unless you were complete asshole lol in that case cant help you. so while this process is happening you best stay away to avoid reminding them what you did or else its back to sure one. you can send a text once every few days just to say hi and thats it anything more.will be pushing it.

Thank you for taking your time to read my page. Till next time
