in #love7 years ago

  If you had called me dumb and selfish a year ago, I would’ve yelled, even fought you but now, after two years, I'll just nod my head and accept your accusations. It all started when I first laid my eyes on his beautiful face. I really wouldn't have called it beautiful if it wasn't. His face was the most enticing and heart-wrenching sight I've been introduced to. His smile only gave me hope to life. His even lamest jokes were my reason to breathe.  But it all came to an end when I overheard his conversation with his best bud.  He was a mafia. A freaking mafia. I know what you guys must be thinking. That I left him after eavesdropping on him and knowing his secret but no. My love was way too stronger than to give up upon something so small. Okay maybe it wasn't small, but I wouldn't have given up on him for the world. He was my reason to breathe My entire universe revolved around him. He was the sun to my solar system no actually he was the space to my entire galaxy and this one mistake of mine acted as a black hole and bucked up all my happiness. He left me. He left me all alone, leaving me soulless. A breathing mummy. Even the thought of dying didn't sound appealing now. His reason to leave me, according to him, was to 'save me' cause apparently, he loved me way too much and staying with him would risk my life. But what about my happiness, that he took away with him when he closed the door behind him? What about the feeling that I got when he kissed my forehead and whispered soothing words for the last time ever?  I heard from little birdies that he wasn’t doing too well. That he, too, was only living for the sake of his gang. That he too was only a living mummy who was withering and crying every night behind the closed doors of his room, wishing that if only lives were a bit more easier. But what now? What could happen now?  Look, now you must know my why I wouldn't argue with you now if you called me dumb.