Love Expression website

in #love6 years ago

Love Expression website is a concept I am providing for future world. This site will represent emotional and legal attachment between two persons. This website defines love with various grades. This site will be a part of govt. law. If a person wants to register with this site he/she has to read website rules and answer 10 random questions crated from a questions bank based on website rules. Then he/she has to fill up a love registration form which can be updated time to time. All information may not be update able (for example all earlier marriage including child). A person need not be adult to register here. If someone is not a registered member of this site still he/she will be subject to this website rules where applicable.

This site will be related with a govt. bank where people can keep compensation money. Compensation money is a kind of security deposit to build trust upon love. This kind of money can be willfully declared by a person to ensure his/her beloved that if he/she degrade love (withdraws love from a specific grade) beloved person will get this money as compensation. Compensation will be grade specific. In an upper grade compensation will be more compared to a lower one. The person, who deposits compensation money, will never be able to withdraw this money later but he will get bank interest against his deposit.

Before describing the website elaborately I will try to describe its targets:

  1. To help establishing democracy and human rights in families.

  2. To make sending friendship, love etc request legal when done following specific procedure. So nobody can do any
    punishment for this action.

  3. To send a love request privately, legally, non-verbally also to show a non acceptance of the above request in the
    same manner.

  4. To surround a person with loving persons.

  5. To upkeep a good mental health or improve it when it is in danger.

  6. To teach people that love is withdraw able something, so do not sink in love with full expectation and trust.

  7. To make understand and develop love rules. Love grade specific duties.

  8. To give chance for expressing some love in a way not failing in the fear that it will be taken seriously and will create a
    lot of responsibilities and bindings.

  9. To express some love for building a relationship and verify someone’s ability for holding more love or improvement of

  10. To give people chance for making their love valuable declaring more self declared compensation.

  11. To create a discussion opportunity with a person’s ex partner/s before fall in love with him/her.

  12. To understand love grade vacancies as to send a love request in suitable time.

  13. To make understand one’s value/necessity to his beloved person. If a beloved person refuses a relationship in
    primary grade he/she will not be asked for a relationship of upper grade. This way one can save prestige by not
    sending deep love request and another one can avoid being hurt by an unwanted proposal.

  14. To prevent expressing deep love at the very beginning: Expressing deep love, bypassing earlier steps (example,
    friendship making) will be considered crime.

  15. To give chance gradually expressing deep love for someone.

  16. To protect a person from deep shock from a beloved and trusted person.

  17. To protect one’s close friend of different gender from a partner/ ex-partner who might misjudge that friend as his

  18. To protect against a forceful marriage: if a person expresses deep love to someone else by this website he/she might
    be considered a victim of forceful marriage.

  19. To understand one’s family love structure before making that family members as relatives. This love structure
    indicates how good the family is.

  20. To reduce love related crimes, for example a love victim finds him in love circle even after love degradation, So he
    might expect to get back his lost love in future, moreover another person might come to fill up the vacancy, this
    situation prevents a person from committing crime.
    Any love victim may not get support to do crime (like abduction, attack one’s beloved /beloved’s partner) from
    his/her friends and relatives when they see that love withdrawn following website procedure.

  21. To make a person and his/her circle able to understand a genuine love. The long time deep love to be shown to a
    person will be considered more genuine because deep love showing capacity is limited. Intelligent software will
    help finding true love and block false love request. Where software blocks a request one need not make excuse for
    not accepting love.

  22. To help develop an intelligent software day by day that can consider lots of factors to verify and approve/block a love
    request. This software will be linked to a person’s social media pages to consider his/her and circles activates.

  23. To make enable a person to know about his/her target person’s (to be friend /partner) present and past love circles,
    love depth, marital status etc before expressing love. One can also know how relationship improved or degraded.
    Relationship degrading happened on mutual acceptance or by one-sided attempt.

  24. To empower Parents and Children to control each other by withdrawing love.

  25. To prevent wrong marriage related expenditure, prestige loss and many incidents including leaving one’s spouse,
    children, non adjustment mentality, negligence to do family work, non fatherly or motherly behavior to children,
    disliking spouse’s relatives, drug addiction etc.

  26. To prevent a minor from expecting more love from their parents & relatives and cautiously trust more love shown by
    any of them when software does not support.

  27. To make police department’s work easier by showing love structure of a person when investigating a crime.

                Website Rules

    Each person can evaluate another person with 6 grades. First one Grade 0, Last Grade 5.

1.1 Grade 0 = You degraded a known or ex-loved person and made him loveless, when a person stays in this grade you
will not be a subject to love law for him. He can still send you a message once a month.

1.2 Grade 1 = The person you know by physically or by any media and accepted him as a known person when requested.

1.3 Grade 2 = Your friend or distant relatives.

1.4 Grade 3 = Your brothers or sisters, in special case your parents and close relatives.

1.5 Grade 4 = You love him. He/she can be your spouse, child, parents or their equivalents.
Grade 4S- means you are my loving sister/ you are my sister equivalent/ I want to make you my sister.

Grade 4B- means you are my loving brother/ you are my brother equivalent/ I want to make you my brother.

Grade 4F- means Father I love you/ I want to make you my father. This grade can be given once at a time (if grade 5F not
given to anybody).

Grade 4M- means Mother I love you/ I want to make you my mother. This grade can be given once at a time. (If grade 5M
not given to anybody).

Grade 4C- means Child I love you/ I want to make you my Child.

1.6 Grade 5 = You deeply love him. He/she can be your spouse/spouse equivalent or child or parents.

Grade 5F- means Father I deeply love you/ you are my father equivalent.

Grade 5M- means Mother I deeply love you/ you are my mother equivalent.

Grade 5P- means you are my loving spouse (partner)/ I love you so much that I want to make you my spouse.

Grade 5C- means you are my loving child/ I love you so much that I want to make you my child.

  1. You can give Grade 0 to grade 2 to unlimited people. You can give grade 3 to at best 100 people. Grade 4 to at best 20
    people and grade 5 only 3 people.

  2. You can give grade 5 to your parent (who never married twice, gives his/her spouse grade 4 or above) and you are the
    only child of your parents or to parent equivalent person (who acted like your parent for long time in absence of your
    parent). In this situation if you have a brother you can give your parent grade 4.

3.1 You can give grade 5 to your only child if you have no parents (or giving them grade 4 or less), never married twice,
giving your spouse grade 4 or above. In this situation if you have 2 children you can give them grade 4.

3.2 You can give grade 5 to your spouse or spouse equivalent person (who you will be very much happy to be married

  1. Father, mother, spouse and child in every category you can select only one person for grade 5. You can select more
    children or spouse for less than grade5.

  2. Brother’s & sister’s default grade is 3

  3. The person who has right to get a grade form you by default, you can withdraw this grade up to zero by this site.

  4. If you send a grade giving or increasing request to a person it will be successful when this request should be accepted
    by that person (also accepted by the software working with this site). To reduce a grade, sending no request is

  5. Every love grade will create specific responsibility and mannerism violating which will be considered crime. For
    example one cannot merry someone when he/she is expressing grade 5 to another person. In this case another
    person’s consent is required or grade 5 should be reduced down to grade 4 beforehand.

  6. You can reduce a grade gradually, not at a time.

  7. To reduce grade compensation could include:

  1. Days given to victim to forget relationship and transfer emotion to elsewhere. One has to give minimum software
    decided days for each grade.

  2. Any monetary companion a person willfully selected from website or declared by the website and accepted by victim
    when building relationship.

  3. Introducing with one or more persons for sharing love or emotions that is/are accepted by the victim.

  4. Facing a chat with victim and answer at least 10 questions of victim(if there is any). Every 10 minutes chat will create
    file and be saved automatically at both ends that cannot be deleted by user.

  1. One can reduce grade of a person by paying compensation fixed by the website. Compensation could be convertible
    on the basis of victim’s acceptance. Victim can forgive any compensation. Love withdrawal compensation will not
    reduce any duty or compensation declared by any other law.

  2. If a person fails to inspire his/her beloved to love him/her more by declaring compensation once he will not be able
    to declare compensation again in a comparatively deep love grade.

  3. Grade cannot be increased if beloved or software not allows but can be decreased if software allows and making
    compensation done

  4. One cannot withdraw love from a family member less then 12 years old.

  5. You can reduce love to another person but you cannot create pressure on anther person to reduce love from you.

  6. Every increase or decrease of relationship will create a notification to the concerned people.

  7. If one of two love-tied, registered, married member wants to degrade love, a notification will be send to all family
    members, close relatives and close friends, So they can take initiative to upkeep a good relationship.

  8. A person whose grade stays among 1 to 5 in your love circle you cannot show hatred, disrespect or do harassment,
    make conspiracy against him/her in front of or in absence of him/her. If you violet this rule it will be considered
    punishable crime.

  9. A person gets 1 * (star) for being married with one person, he will get 1 $ mark for earlier every divorce, and will get
    1# for every separation. These marks will be present with his/her profile name.

  10. Software will show different colored reaction on every contradictory updates of love form.

  11. A person can send grade 5 request to a minor (expecting to make him/her as life partner when be adult) if both
    declare their age and age difference is at best 10 years.

  12. A person can give chance to love him/her deeply even if not loving of same grade. Until a person falls in deep love
    with someone he can allow many persons to deeply love him. Later he can select someone (or none of them) for
    deep love.

  13. A person’s love circle’s each person (from grade 2 to grade 5) can give him/her a mark out of 100 which will be secret
    to him/her. He/she will just see trust rating out of 100.

  14. A site user will not be able to change his old database. Software will make a summery on old database time to time
    and delete unimportant data.

  15. Every love request will have 30 days validity. If a request is not accepted within this period then another request can
    be sent.

  16. Love form will know people by their national or international identity number.

  17. Following things will be considered by software to allow a love request:

  1. Requesting person’s age versus website join period. Earlier joining period will be considered good indication.

  2. A person’s earlier marriage status, more marriage status less trust.

  3. More children mean less love for children.

  4. Separation is preferable than divorce.

  5. How quickly requests and withdraws love. Doing quickly is bad symptom.

  6. More compensation money is good symptom.

  7. More income is good indication.

  8. More bothers and sisters is bad indication.

  9. More educational degree or certificate good symptom.

  10. More love request to same person is good indication.

  11. More linking to social media is good indication.

  12. Visiting beloved person’s page and reading post, making comments more times is good indication.

  13. More dependents compared to income means less trust.

  14. Visiting a person’s page before allowing a love request is good symptom.

  15. Love circle high trust rating is good indication.

  16. Upgraded love relation of parents is good symptom for child.

  17. More chat with a beloved person is good indication.

  18. Uploading more personal or family picture is good indication.

  19. Writing more posts/articles is good indication.

  20. Uploading live video is good indication.

  21. Doing social work is good indication.

  22. Downloading more software and e-book is good indication.

  23. Using more software is good indication.

  24. Listen music is good indication.