Gentle Caress and Slow Undress- Sensual Poetry Collaboration! <3

We've given you love, we've given you hate, we've given you contrast. However, something was missing. Passion! There is nothing more passionate than two people exploring each other in a loving embrace!
But don't worry! There is nothing naughty here, just sweet, gentle words.
We hope you enjoy and, as always, we look forward to your feedback!

When I look into your eyes, what do I see,
A fire burning just for me,
With lips and hands and soft caress,
Let's make out here then lets undress.
A trail to your bedroom we make,
A cure to solve all heartache,
I lay you down and kiss your lips,
Each time they part I already miss.
With shaking hands I touch your skin,
Smiles and laughs cause I'm in such a swim,
I blush and giggle and look all around,
Then you pull me down without a sound,
We kiss and tumble all around,
And now we make quite a sound,
I gasp and scream and all things between,
As we consummate our love, whispering things unseen.
Lay against me
And press your skin to mine
When two worlds collide...
Moving in soft rhythms
Slow dancing
To frantic tango.
Raised flesh
And rapid breaths.
Trembling fingertips
And hot, quivering lips.
Stares that are vapid
As it all floods in.
And elation.
Stiffled gasps
Though all alone
Quiet calls to skies
That never leave home.
Held tight and fast.
Embraces that never yield
Melding together
And impossibly sealed.
Exploring fingers
Across smalls of backs
Tender and passionate acts.
Collecting dew
Between the lips
That quake.
That shake.
That slowly kiss.
Enveloped in the loss
And little death.
Mon cher,
Vous éteignez mon cœur.
Me and my ghost writing companion had a great time creating this piece for you!
I hope you have a fantastic day and look forward to your feedback regarding the poetry we have lovingly crafted from idea to submission to the chain. I hope you find it worthy and again look forward to your comments in the section below.
Much love, @sammosk and Co. <3
very nice.
join our group and earn more and more
Very good. I think I need more feeling in the poems I write. They seem like not close to this one.
I can totally relate with this line, "Stares that are vapid Vacant Unfocused"...takes me back to a specific time in Junior High, the naughty things little boys and girls do though, haha
This poem made my day (smiles). There's indeed power in poetry. It's sensational. Thumbs up @sammosk