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RE: Coffee With My Dad - Pain and Joy

in #love6 years ago

The most silent cafe in the world, the one who watches everything, looks at you with his blue eyes, so much to say, but the words do not come out, he growls, looks and looks again. I can tell you that you do not know about me anymore. Look at my picture I'm the same as you and you will be the same as me. My love was infinite and it happened to you. I never felt more proud of your work in the farm you gave the best to your family and I gave you what little I had, the best of me is in you and in those who continue you.

These words came to me and I do not know where, but here I put them as best as I can remember them.

El cafe mas silencioso del mundo, el que todo lo observa, te mira con sus ojos azules, tanto que decir, pero no le salen las palabras, gruñe, mira y vuelve a mirar. Que te puedo decir que ya no sepas de mi. Mira mi foto soy igual a ti y tu seras igual a mi. Mi amor fue infinito y te lo pase a ti. Nunca me senti mas orgulloso de tu trabajo en la granja le diste lo mejor a tu familia y yo te di lo poco que tenia, lo mejor de mi esta en ti y en los que te continuan.

Me llegaron estas palabras y no se de donde pero aqui las pongo lo mejor que puedo recordarlas.