Love & War

in #love8 years ago

There is so much talk of war and few seem to still be getting the message. It's very simple to see for some of us and others are still so blinded it's shocking and as a result it's destroying our world. The solution to all the problems we face in this world is a very simple one, we must learn to love each other. Not just those closest to us but everyone. It dose not mean we should not stop those who intend to do us harm but it dose not mean we must kill them ethier or nothing will ever change and things will continue to get worse in this world.

Police need to vanish off the face of this earth, we don't need them.
Armies need to vanish we don't need them.
Governments need to vanish we don't need them.

These 3 groups represent hatread and gread. Hate and gread are two of the same. If you are a police officer and you have given someone a ticket for anything once so ever you are part of the gready money hungry scum bags and are also responsible for helping to continue the killings of innocent human beings.

If you have ever been part of a army you have been responsible for helping to commite mass genocide among other crimes.

Governments are among the wrose of the offenders as they are responsible for everything mentioned and crimes so horrific words could never be enough to discribe it fully.

It's not about what has been done however but rather what we do in the coming future. Are we going to just stand by and do nothing or are we going to start opening the eyes up of those who have and are doing us so much wrong and ask show / ask these people to stop participating in the destruction of our world. I realize we may have to force them to step down or even kill them as a last resort but these 3 groups of individuals must be made to stop participating in these orgionized criminal orgionizations.