What is promised is debt, for my followers of Welfare I offer this interesting topic, "Having a partner or being a couple", within the vision of Resilience, transforming weapon, first of all I will comment on the 5.0 Couple that is a phrase coined that invites to reach the highest possible level in the relations of couple in the understanding, implies that the couple relationships are satisfied with the contribution of two, in this context it is not about having a partner but being a couple, it is important make the distinction above all internalize it and from my observer to check how I feel with the term I am the couple of, instead of having a partner, where we learn to release the control of having and generate being for the other, we can assume the commitment of co-create in freedom what we both want and want to happen.
The challenge of being a 5.0 partner is to learn to endure emotional bonds or to endure with a high satisfaction of emotional satisfaction, that is to say being a couple 5.0 is to be a couple that is focused directly to solve the problems, not focusing on it but on all those potentialities of the human being.
If in a reengineering process we take all the available elements and adapt to our life in a couple, the thing would be as follows, first of all observe and identify how are we doing ?, how are we doing what? , How are we dealing with our differences? When problems arise, our frustrations, expectations and desires grow, and what do we do immediately? We focus on the problems to solve them, because this is what we learned, what did we learn? the problem has to be taken care of, the problem must be solved, because the problem is the problem, and then the center of all our relations at a given moment of differences and conflicts is the problem, not even the capacity we have for, but that is the problem, but when we focus on the problem the motivation decreases, the well-being diminishes, the distancing is activated, the spiraling spiral of the conflict is established, because even then we begin to see our defects what I do not like, what I had even learned that he did not like it, and who is suffering? is love, union, passion, logically from a metaphorical visual but those who really suffer are the owners of those feelings and emotions.

Conflict is inherent in every human relationship, there will always be differences according to that particular way of seeing life, of perceiving it, of interpreting it, of translating it, since the elements with which we make differentiations are given by our formation, our parenting, our patterns, our learning, our belief system and above all things by how do I internalize ?, how do I live from them? and that is why all of the above is part of our daily life, of our emotional and loving relationship but it does not force us to remain in the conflict.

For its part, the conflict must be seen as that stage, that agreement between the parties that must precisely adjust to continue the road together, now well, how to do it ?, how to carry out that adjustment ?, well, what we do in the manner of RESILIENCE that very fashionable phrase, in vogue, that everyone points out, but what is resilience ?, wikipedia points out that resilience is defined as "the ability of human beings to adapt positively to situations adverse, "also emphasizes that resilience" is the ability of the individual to be assertive and make a decision when you have the opportunity to have a correct attitude despite being afraid what that may cause, also resilience is understood as the ability to possesses the person to face their own problems or "situations", overcome obstacles and not give in to pressure regardless of the situation, is overcome emotional periods and trauma s, corresponds roughly with the term of integrity.

Treat your partner as if you loved her, what do I mean ?, when you are in the middle of a problem, a conflict, a difference, especially because at this moment, when you allow yourself to be available to acquire tools and power solve conflicts to become a couple 5.0, you have the agility to make all these tools, then, treat your partner as if you love it refers to observe when this conflict, adopt that position and then ask yourself do I really love my partner ?, however they are in a bad mood with each other, more than you would like to discuss frequently.

I invite all my followers of Bienestar to see my next post that is the continuation of this interesting topic, this vital transforming weapon, where you will find a questionnaire of Admiration and Affection, so that they are in what value of numbering are your relationships with respect to the challenge of being a couple 5.0 from the point of view of Resilience.