My Story: Chapter 9: 11 Years Later...
11 years go by, and I am graduating high school. I receive my diploma with honors! My parents couldn't be more proud!!! I set out to start my own life. I started community college. 1.5 years later though, I dropped out due to not being happy where I was. I was diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression in my mid teens, and struggled a lot. After dropping out, I was homeless for a bit, living with a friend, trying to find my first job... 3 months later, I started working at a photography business! Soon after that though, my friends couldn't help anymore, so I ended up having to go to a homeless shelter... The Samaritan Inn... It was hard there... but little did I know that I would meet the love of my life on my first day there!!! I was just getting over the heartbreak of my ex fiance from 10 months prior.. Who knew that things would begin to take a turn for better so soon! To be continued in my next chapter...
hey @dreemsteem, here is the next chapter for you
Wow, what a story! I'll be interested to watch all the amazing things you accomplish.
The Welcome Wagon
Rollin in to say Hi!
@tamala Thank you so much!
hmmmm I missed some of these chapters!!! I only got the notification for the later chapter - now I see why I was mistaken about the story!
I'll have to go back and read :)
Thanks for tagging me!!!
@dreemsteem You're very welcome!!!
do you have a discord account? :) It's a program that a lot of Steemians use to direct message one another
I don't but my husband has one
you should get one :) it's one of the programs that are really great for Steemians to use not just for talking - but also belonging to a community - support - and help! :) I can send you an invitation to a server, if you like - just let me know :)
We really like how consistent you are with your writing @rachelbloom.
Shared this post within our channel today! Hoping a few of the Steempeers might make it over here for a visit also :)
I will have to go back now and read your earlier chapters to see what I've missed :) Keep up the good work!!!
@andysantics48 thank you!!
Thank you for sharing your struggle. I have no doubt that these experiences will make your a stronger, smarter person. Good for you!

@artemisnorth Thank you so much!!!
I have missed your story so I have to go back and read it, love your writing and keep up the good work 👍😉
Have a wonderful week. Cheers! 🌸
@saffisara Thank you! I hope you have a great week too!!!
Anytime sweetie 😊 cheers!
I am sorry to hear that you ended up in the shelter but finding your love there sounds like a silver lining that every story has. Looking forward to the next part.

@zen-art Thank you!!
Similar to what everybody commented, I'll have to begin from chapter one! But I'm also curious what happens next!
@scuzzy Thank you! There are plenty more chapters to come!!!