"How much do you love me?" How can love be measured at all ?

in #love8 years ago (edited)
 She: Do you love me?
He: I love you.
She: How much do you love me?
He: I love you a lot!

Love is not something we have too often in our lives, and not every person ever loved or have being loved .


We have plenty of divorces, abandoned children, irresponsible family cohabitation, and failed relationships, and everyone is very much in love. Why someone does not say "Well, honestly, middle work is my love for you ..." or "... at 68% at the moment."

How is love measured at all?

To measure something we first need to know what it is! The love I'm talking about here is not the love of friends, parents and child, or the love of work even not the feeling in love . It's about the love one man has for one woman and the other way around!

Love is not lust, passion, desire, butterflies in the belly, "I have lost my mind," and the veal look in the void. Good or bad, these are just feelings that have nothing to do with the true love. The two important things we need to know about love are that we consciously decide to love another person and that to love is actually much more labor and deeds than feelings

Love is a CHOSE !

This is a fundamental building block of love! If a person says about love "well it happens", this man is lying to himself. You are not a flower in the living room, that it will happen to you to pile! We are people. We do something to happen to us. We make a decision to love another person and bear responsibility for this decision.

You can get in love this  but this won't last to long. In some moment you have to make the chose to continue love this person or not !

From the moment we make the decision to love the other person, we constantly adjust to him , learn patience, mercy on mistakes, not look for ourselves, do not get upset, do not ignore him , accept and believe. We learn to forgive, to communicate fully, to care, to be emotionally intelligent in our relationship, to enjoy together, and above all, to show humility in order to put our relationship  priorities ahead of our own. It's all too hard!

I think  is wrong if people enter a relationship with the setting to find someone to cover them needs well enough. The right attitude is to turn the expectation to ourselves: 

"Can I take the necessary care for him ?

Love begins to go away when the works that build it starts to go !

If you feel a lack of love for your partner, do not look for the reason why he or she does not do enough for you, but do something big and meaningful to him . We love true not when someone does a lot for us, but when we do a lot for the other.

Everyone has some idea of ​​an ideal relationship or family, or at least he knows what he wants to have and what he does not. We think, "I am a decent person, sooner or later someone else will appear and things will happen." Expecting the ideal relationship for us, we move on to the encounter of the "right person."

The reality is that the perfect relationship that we are looking for depends much more than we become ideal for him rather than meeting the ideal person for us. A relationship is never just so "perfect" at least because you are part of it, and you are not perfect yourself. The reality is that of these 100% ideal, only 30% is due to the perfect fit between two people and the other 70% come from long-term, permanent, mutual work. As in the work, things are successful not simply because some people have been the right once , but because there is passion , goals, rules, priorities, and again - a lot of work.

Every time you put his need above in a situation important to you, this builds your love for your partner. When you turn back and see many situations in which you've given yourself a real deal and put yourself in the background of things important to you, you realize that this person is so important to you and you love him so much.

"How much do you love me?"

Love comes with the decision to love another person and is maintained and built with the cares we do afterwards. These cases can be seen and measured. Measuring them, we can see if the other really loves us very much at the moment and, more importantly, whether and how much we love the other person.

The next time when I ask you, "How much do you love me?", Think about how many TIMES you  sacrifice  something for making ME happy ! And only if your deeds are really great, answer with a pure heart :

,,A lot ! I really love you a lot ! "


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                Stay positive  and many smiles !!! 


Feel free to comment , criticize, follow or unfollow me !


Maybe love is like a second life.
If love falls in our lives, it will be like having no heart.

Why someone does not say "Well, honestly, middle work is my love for you ..." or "... at 68% at the moment."

More like 69%! :D

Wow haha i rare vote on comments .......... but this is so funny !

Very romantic and beautiful post. I think love is God, and God is love!

You are becoming a love expert!! As for this post, I guess this is the reason I don't want to fall in love or anyone fall in love with me, as it is really a tedious task to build relationships! I would rather prefer a simple installer, which can install love files in me and my potential partner!!!

Oh hahaha cool sayd . I am really far from expert in love ......... i just post how i feel :)

love is life .exilant.

Life is love !

very good post @patelincho I will keep you going because here I am still a beginner and I really look forward to your support

Thank you for visit my blog :)

wow...@patelincho. this is really very beautiful. you are really good at this

Everyting i post is about how i feel , glad you like it !

The easiest way to measure a love towards somebody is if after finding out the unpleasant things about that person, we still love him/her.

Love is whatever we chose it to mold it into and to reap in return. Lovely post🦄

Thank you very much :)